
The Creative Individual Inside Inward Loving Memory

I was raised inward the shadow of Alzheimer’s amongst nearly everyone on my father’s side as well as many inward mother’s developing the disease.

We were taught that when Alzheimer’s arrived, it was similar a death—actually worse than death.

Our parents warned us, “Don’t sacrifice your lives for us. When our fourth dimension comes, only walk away.” And nosotros believed it.
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In Loving Memory of Jean McFee Raichle – March 28, 1919 – Apr 19, 2015

And thence Mom began to paint. The paintings were amazing.

She had never painted a 24-hour interval inward her life yet these paintings were truly good, ever interesting as well as sometimes remarkable. And I began to understand. One aspect at her paintings as well as I at nowadays understood that she was nevertheless here—loving, creative as well as joyful. I joined her inward the moment, letting give-up the ghost of my ask for the someone she used to be, instead embracing the wonderful adult woman who was amongst me now. I began to portion the fine art amongst others as well as the reaction was ever the same—delight, surprise as well as gratitude to sense a flush nigh Alzheimer’s amongst promise as well as joy.

Mom passed away final April, but she continues to inspire – at nowadays amongst a major fine art exhibition.
In the commencement exhibition of its sort inward Seattle, The Artist Within volition characteristic surprising, delightful as well as inspiring fine art that volition opened upwardly hearts as well as minds to a unlike agency of thinking nigh Alzheimer’s as well as dementia, enabling us to encounter that—though changed—those who travel amongst dementia are nevertheless here, living amongst dignity, inventiveness as well as joy.

Presented inward cooperation amongst the City of Seattle Office of Arts as well as Culture, the Department of Neighborhoods as well as 4Culture, The Artist Within volition travel held at City Hall’s Lobby Gallery & Anne Focke Gallery, Jan 7 through Feb 26, 2016, 600 Fourth Avenue inward downtown Seattle, Monday—Friday, 7am-6pm. The Opening Reception volition accept house on Thursday, Jan seventh from 4-6pm.

Free as well as opened upwardly to all, the exhibition volition characteristic fascinating artwork past times individuals, sixty to 101, who travel amongst dementia. Throughout the 7 weeks of the exhibition, nosotros volition introduce a serial of activities developed inward concert amongst community partners—catalysts for knowledge, empathy, inventiveness as well as involvement. Exploring how nosotros tin give the axe gear upwardly a dementia friendly community—more inclusive, to a greater extent than engaging, to a greater extent than supportive as well as to a greater extent than hopeful for everyone whose lives are touched past times dementia as well as inspiring us all to give-up the ghost improve stewards of an aging population.

Marilyn Raichle writes a blog, The Art of Alzheimer’s— How Mother Forgot Nearly Everything as well as Began to Paint as well as is curating The Artist Within, an fine art exhibition featuring l artworks past times 42 individuals, ages 60-101, living amongst dementia as well as to debut inward Seattle inward Jan of 2016. She also industrial plant equally an arts management consultant inward the Greater Seattle area.

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Wednesday, Jan 13th Noon _ City Hall Lobby Gallery
Exhibition Walk as well as give-and-take amongst Marcus E. Raichle MD, Professor of Radiology, Neurology, Neurobiology as well as Biomedical Engineering, Washington University; 2014 Kavli Prize Laureate inward Neuroscience as well as Thomas Grabowski MD, Director of the Memory as well as Brain Wellness Center, Professor, Departments of Radiology, as well as Neurology; Adjunct Professor, Departments of Psychology as well as Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Harborview Medical Center University of Washington. Accompanied past times creative someone Anna Hostvedt.

Wednesday, Jan 20th 12:30 pm _ City Hall Lobby Gallery
Three Seattle poets volition portion their experiences amongst dementia inward a reading of their powerful as well as evocative poetry.

Esther Helfgott, Dear Alzheimer’s: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Caregiver’s Diary & Poems as well as Listening to Mozart: Poems of Alzheimer’s
Lori Kane, The Grace of Dragons: Receiving the Gifts of Dementia Care Partnering;
Lon Cole, You Are Not Alone: Poems of Hope as well as Faith as well as travel as well as thankful: Life is a gift

Thursday, Feb fourth noon – 2pm _ City Hall Lobby Gallery
Judith-Kate Freidman as well as Songwriting Works volition exercise an master vocal inspired past times the fine art inward collaboration amongst exhibition attendees.

Tuesday, Feb ninth _ 7pm _ _ Seattle Town Hall
His Neighbor Phil Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 especial screening of an extraordinary novel cinema amongst a compelling as well as heartening flush nigh living amongst dementia. Starring Stephanie Zimbalist. Admission $10 amongst proceeds to back upwardly The Artist Within Exhibition as well as Programs.

“His Neighbor Phil, is indeed a swell cinema as well as correct on the coin for accuracy inward typical ‘key players’ as well as behaviors, reactions, approaches, beliefs, as well as mutual concerns regarding dementia. I am certain ‘first timers’ equally good equally those who get got made their journeying volition resonate amongst the cinema allowing novel conversations to happen, awareness to grow, as well as belief that nosotros tin give the axe CHOOSE to brand a positive divergence inward how people living amongst dementia are able to travel their lives.”
Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA Dementia Care & Training Specialist

Wednesday, Feb 17th 6pm Panel Discussion City Hall Bertha Knight Landes Room
Wendy Lustbader, writer of Life Gets Better – the Unexpected Pleasures of Growing Older volition moderate a give-and-take nigh the arts, inventiveness as well as dementia.

The panel volition include:
Marigrace Becker, Program Manager, Community Education as well as Impact, UW Medicine, Memory as well as Brain Wellness Center
Cara Lauer, Executive Director, Elderwise
Alice & Paul Padilla, Momentia Ambassadors
Lee Burnside Dr. MBA, Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Geriatrics as well as Palliative Care Harborview Medical Center University of Washington Medical Director, Providence Hospice of Seattle

Wednesday, Feb 24th Noon _ City Hall Lobby Gallery
Taproot Theatre’s Memory Loss Classes reignite the hear amongst improvisation as well as play. They volition process us amongst a demonstration of how improv tin give the axe tap into the creative abilities of individuals experiencing early on phase retentiveness loss.

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