Heize Shares A Quick Bare Faced Selca From The Car
Article: Singer Heize shows perfect bare human face during the weekend "See you lot this evening at Hongdae"
2. [+388, -38] Put brand upward on
3. [+318, -38] She looks similar Ddochi, how cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+29, -1] She's non bare faced, she has foundation on amongst eyebrows drawn in addition to lip stick;;
6. [+24, -1] Her writing disgusts me, is she serious? "I am shoooo excited for our bebbies"???
7. [+22, -3] Her existent bare human face is ugly, become hold off at her graduation picture
8. [+19, -2] She's a famous iljin approximately the Masan schoolhouse district but she fixed her entire confront earlier debut in addition to thence none of her classmates recognize her. She keeps lying virtually existence from Daegu when she graduated from Masan elementary, Masam junior high, in addition to Masan high school.
9. [+14, -3] Out of the entire 'Unpretty Rap Star' franchise, the entirely star to come upward out of it is in all probability her
10. [+11, -3] I saw her grad photograph in addition to she honestly does hold off similar she got her olfactory organ done. The residuum only looks similar a alter inwards vibe.