Short Woman Someone Idols Amongst Perfect Proportions
Article: "Turns out they're truly 155 cm" woman mortal idols amongst perfect proportions
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2. [+131, -31] I wouldn't nation Irene has skilful proportions ㅡㅡ
3. [+52, -3] Proportions are all decided past times how big your confront is
5. [+45, -7] Tall women await sexy as well as chic spell brusk women await modest as well as cute! So jealous how women of all heights are charming inwards their ain ways!
6. [+44, -4] Irene? Good proportions? ㅋㅋㅋ Go await at pictures of her wearing sneakers
7. [+43, -1] Some of them produce goodness off of beingness modest since beingness cute is a charm too
8. [+30, -0] Being brusk is fine if you lot accept the proportions for it
9. [+20, -1] Can't truly mensurate proportions when they're all wearing heels...
10. [+14, -2] Proportions thing to a greater extent than than height