Sojin Blushes At Advert Of Fellow Eddy Kim
Article: Sojin blushes at yell of beau Eddy Kim "Ahhhhh don't "
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2. [+132, -11] Hul, she's dating Eddy Kim..? Since when..? I had no idea
3. [+102, -29] Why are people ragging on her historic catamenia equally if 32 years quondam is that old... life doesn't actually laid about till your forties anyway
5. [+19, -9] She actually does look alone into younger men ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+16, -4] Ah... So Eddy Kim is dating Sojin I think seeing him at a concert a spell agone in addition to noticed that he was pretty handsome alongside a practiced physique. Good vocalizer besides
7. [+10, -2] They're inwards that honeymoon stage
8. [+7, -1] She's at spousal human relationship historic catamenia
9. [+5, -1] Please teach out our auntie lonely in addition to allow her date. If she was dating mortal older, you'd all survive accusing her of dating him for the money.