Hollywood: Time's Up
Article: [Oh!llywood] Grammy ruddy carpet, why did all the stars wearable a white rose?
Source: OSEN via Naver
1. [+2,164, -104] I recall when Jung Ryeowon said a critical contestation on sexual practice criminals inwards her abide by spoken language at a ceremony, people threw a tally at her maxim she was cocky in addition to holler for why she was treating every human similar he was a criminal (when an actual sexual practice criminal Park SH was correct adjacent to her at the time). It makes me express joy when I come across comments straightaway commending Hollywood stars for doing this induce in addition to holler for why Koreans aren't doing it too.
2. [+1,035, -45] What a nifty induce I back upward it. But tin terminate they also halt the racism against Asians too?
3. [+664, -35] I intend the time's upward induce is amazing
4. [+369, -29] Great to see
5. [+69, -10] Try this inwards Korea in addition to everyone volition telephone telephone you lot a feminazi in addition to set you lot on a blacklist ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+64, -10] Korean men: expect at all those feminazis
7. [+42, -11] Ironic coming from a province alongside music sum of lyrics similar "pu$$y", "b*tch", "h*e" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+20, -3] Korea is most 10 years behind America's when it comes to women's rights
9. [+15, -4] The whole globe is behind this induce in addition to it's most time. Even if people aren't used to seeing women upward inwards arms similar this, it's fourth dimension to become used to it. Revolutions are aggressive for a reason.
10. [+11, -4] What most movements for racism against Asians?