Son Yeon Jae Closes Her Instagram Subsequently Pressing 'Like' On A Film Of Sotnikova
Article: Son Yeon Jae eventually closes SNS... close probable due to loathe comments for 'liking' pic of Sotnikova
2. [+1,333, -161] This whole affair isn't "just because" she pressed similar on pic ㅋㅋ she knows that she pressed similar on somebody that our entire nation was enraged over. Tsk tsk.
3. [+1,324, -164] Don't defend her, she messed this up... Everyone knows that Sotnikova is a thief who stole the gilt medal from Kim Yuna. No Korean would e'er intend of pressing similar on her pic unless they were out of their minds...
5. [+124, -29] This has cipher to produce amongst liberty of facial expression ㅋㅋ people are mad because she pressed similar on somebody who stole her medal from Kim Yuna
6. [+112, -62] But really, why did she press similar on a figure who enraged our people 4 years ago?
7. [+90, -28] How, every minute a Korean, tin move y'all press similar on a pic of Sotnikova?... Is she dumb? And her fans are only every minute incorrect for defending her. Everyone knows what Sotnikova did, the rage in addition to wound she incited to our people... in addition to however y'all tin move press "like" to that?
8. [+79, -40] If it's her "freedom of expression" to press similar on that picture, thence it's our liberty of facial expression to loathe her for it too