Physical Therapy Assistant Colleges Rehabilitation For Infantile Torticollis
physical therapy goals of Infantile torticollis cases is to cut swelling, amend rang of motion, strengthening of weak muscles inward the reverse side, stretching exercises of the stiffed musculus and right posture of the cervix too head
1- positioning to amend symmetry
2- hot packs piece of occupation to brand musculus gear upward for passive rang of motion
3- active too passive rang of motility exercises
4- strengthening exercises for cervix too torso amongst gravity assosiat
5- massage of the stiffed musculus of the neck
6- Home Program: instruct the identify unit of measurement how to deport thew infant, how to play amongst him too how to feed him inward the proper agency that insure the right position of the cervix too inhance skillful normal increment of the cervix too head