Key Jail Cellphone Band Radiations Interrogation Studies
Note: This is non a comprehensive list. I convey focused on to a greater extent than recent papers and tried to live parsimonious. I volition update this listing periodically.
National Toxicology Program jail electrochemical cell telephone radiations studies
Tumor opportunity review papers
Myung et al (2009) Mobile telephone usage in addition to opportunity of tumors: a meta-analysis.
Khurana et al (2009) Cell phones in addition to encephalon tumors: a review including long-term epidemiologic data.
Levis et al (2011) Mobile phones in addition to caput tumours: the discrepancies inwards cause-effect relationships inwards the epi studies-how hit they arise.
Levis et al (2012) Mobile phones in addition to caput tumours: a critical analysis of case-control epi studies.
WHO (2013) IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. Volume 102: Non-ionizing radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.
Morgan et al (2015) Mobile telephone radiations causes encephalon tumors in addition to should live classified equally a in all likelihood human carcinogen (2A) (Review).
Wang Y, Guo X (2016) Meta-analysis of association betwixt mobile telephone usage in addition to glioma risk.
Bortkiewicz et al (2017) Mobile telephone usage in addition to opportunity of intracranial tumors in addition to salivary gland tumors - H5N1 meta-analysis.
Prasad et al (2017) Mobile telephone usage in addition to opportunity of encephalon tumours: a systematic review of association betwixt study quality, source of funding, in addition to query outcomes.
Carlberg, Hardell (2017) Evaluation of mobile telephone in addition to cordless telephone usage in addition to glioma opportunity using the Bradford Hill viewpoints from 1965 on association or causation.
Miller, et al (2018). Cancer epidemiology update, next the 2011 IARC evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (Monograph 102).
Also see Long-Term Cell Phone Use Increases Brain Tumor Risk
Baca Juga
Bortkiewicz et al (2017) Mobile telephone usage in addition to opportunity of intracranial tumors in addition to salivary gland tumors - H5N1 meta-analysis.
Prasad et al (2017) Mobile telephone usage in addition to opportunity of encephalon tumours: a systematic review of association betwixt study quality, source of funding, in addition to query outcomes.
Carlberg, Hardell (2017) Evaluation of mobile telephone in addition to cordless telephone usage in addition to glioma opportunity using the Bradford Hill viewpoints from 1965 on association or causation.
Miller, et al (2018). Cancer epidemiology update, next the 2011 IARC evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (Monograph 102).
Tumor opportunity studies
Interphone Study Group (2010) Brain neoplasm opportunity inwards relation to mobile telephone use: results of the Interphone international case-control study.
Interphone Study Group (2011) Acoustic neuroma opportunity inwards relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case-control study.
Aydin et al (2011) Mobile telephone usage & encephalon tumors inwards children & adolescents: a multi-center case-control study. (CEFALO Study)
Hardell et al (2013) Case-control study of the association betwixt malignant encephalon tumours diagnosed betwixt 2007 in addition to 2009 in addition to mobile in addition to cordless telephone use.
Hardell et al (2013) Pooled analysis of case-control studies on acoustic neuroma diagnosed 1997-2003 in addition to 2007-2009 in addition to usage of mobile in addition to cordless phones.
Coureau et al (2014) Mobile telephone usage in addition to encephalon tumours inwards the CERENAT case-control study.
Grell et al (2016) The intracranial distribution of gliomas inwards relation to exposure from mobile phones: Analyses from the INTERPHONE Study.
Also see: Acoustic neuroma opportunity in addition to jail electrochemical cell telephone usage studies and Should Cellphones Have Warning Labels?
Grell et al (2016) The intracranial distribution of gliomas inwards relation to exposure from mobile phones: Analyses from the INTERPHONE Study.
Also see: Acoustic neuroma opportunity in addition to jail electrochemical cell telephone usage studies and Should Cellphones Have Warning Labels?
Breast cancer
West et al (2013) Multifocal thorax cancer inwards immature women amongst prolonged contact betwixt their breasts in addition to their cellular phones.
Brain tumor incidence trends
Inskip et al (2010) Brain cancer incidence trends inwards relation to cellphone usage inwards the United States.
Zada et al (2012) Incidence trends inwards the anatomic place of main malignant encephalon tumors inwards the United States: 1992-2006.
Hardell & Carlberg (2015) Increasing rates of encephalon tumours inwards the Swedish National Inpatient Register & the Causes of Death Register.
Devocht (2016) Inferring the 1985–2014 impact of mobile telephone usage on selected encephalon cancer subtypes using Bayesian structural fourth dimension serial in addition to synthetic controls. corrigendum (2017): Hardell & Carlberg (2017) Mobile phones, cordless phones in addition to rates of encephalon tumors inwards dissimilar historic menses groups inwards the Swedish National Inpatient Register in addition to the Swedish Cancer Register during 1998-2015.
Philips et al (2018) Brain tumours: Rise inwards Glioblastoma Multiforme incidence inwards England 1995-2015 suggests an adverse environmental or lifestyle factor.
Also see: Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising inwards the US: The Role of Cell Phone & Cordless Phone Use
Philips et al (2018) Brain tumours: Rise inwards Glioblastoma Multiforme incidence inwards England 1995-2015 suggests an adverse environmental or lifestyle factor.
Also see: Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising inwards the US: The Role of Cell Phone & Cordless Phone Use
Ruediger (2009) Genotoxic effects of RF EMF.
Behari (2010) Biological responses of mobile telephone frequency exposure.
Giuliani in addition to Soffritti (2010). Nonthermal effects in addition to mechanisms of interaction betwixt electromagnetic fields in addition to living matter. ICEMS Monograph. Ramazzini Institute. 403 pp.
Giuliani in addition to Soffritti (2010). Nonthermal effects in addition to mechanisms of interaction betwixt electromagnetic fields in addition to living matter. ICEMS Monograph. Ramazzini Institute. 403 pp.
Juutilainen et al (2011) Review of possible modulation-dependent biological effects of radiofrequency fields.
Volkow et al (2011) Effects of jail electrochemical cell telephone radiofrequency signal exposure on encephalon glucose metabolism.
Pall (2013) EMFs deed via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to hit beneficial or adverse effects.
Calderon et al (2014) Assessment of extremely depression frequency magnetic champaign exposure from GSM mobile phones.
Dasdag & Akdag (2015) The link betwixt RFs emitted from wireless technologies & oxidative stress.
Yakymenko et al (2016) Oxidative mechanisms of biological activity of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation.
Barnes & Greenenbaum (2016) Some effects of weak magnetic fields on biological systems: RF fields tin sack alter radical concentrations in addition to cancer jail electrochemical cell increment rates.
Nikiforov et al (2016) On a possible machinery of the lawsuit of microwave radiations on biological macromolecules (Russian language).
Tamrin et al (2016) Electromagnetic fields in addition to stalk jail electrochemical cell fate: When physics meets biology.
Terzi et al (2016) The role of electromagnetic fields inwards neurological disorders.
Havas (2017) When theory in addition to observation collide: Can non-ionizing radiations crusade cancer?
Barnes & Kandala (2018) Effects of fourth dimension delays on biological feedback systems in addition to electromagnetic champaign exposures.
Hinrikus et al (2018) Understanding physical machinery of low-level microwave radiations effect. Reproductive Health Effects
LaVignera et al (2011) Effects of the exposure to mobile phones on manlike someone reproduction: a review of the literature.
Aldad et al (2012) Fetal radiofrequency radiations exposure from 800-1900 Mhz-rated cellular telephones affects neurodevelopment in addition to demeanour inwards mice.
Divan et al (2012) Cell telephone usage in addition to behavioural problems inwards immature children.
Adams et al (2014) Effect of mobile telephones on sperm quality: H5N1 systematic review in addition to meta-analysis.
Houston et al (2016) The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiations on sperm function.
Also see: Effect of Mobile Phones on Sperm Quality in addition to Pregnancy & Wireless Radiation Risks
Kelsh et al (2010) Measured radiofrequency exposure during diverse mobile-phone usage scenarios.
Gandhi et al (2012) Exposure limits: the underestimation of absorbed jail electrochemical cell telephone radiation, peculiarly inwards children.
Schmid & Kuster (2015) The discrepancy betwixt maximum inwards vitro exposure levels in addition to realistic conservative exposure levels of mobile phones operating at 900/1800 MHz.
Sagar et al. (2018) Comparison of radiofrequency electromagnetic champaign exposure levels inwards dissimilar everyday microenvironments inwards an international context.
Blood-Brain Barrier Studies
See: AirPods: Are Apple’s New Wireless Earbuds Safe? (Blood-Brain Barrier Effects)
Belpomme et al (2018). Thermal in addition to non-thermal wellness effects of depression intensity non-ionizing radiation: An international perspective.
Consumer Reports (2015) "Does cell-phone radiations crusade cancer?"
Foerster et al (2018). H5N1 prospective cohort study of adolescents' retention surgery in addition to private encephalon dose of microwave radiations from wireless communication.
Huss et al (2007) Source of funding in addition to results of studies of wellness effects of mobile telephone use: systematic review of experimental studies.
Fragopoulou et al (2010) Scientific panel on electromagnetic champaign wellness risks: consensus points, recommendations, in addition to rationales.
Alster, due north (2015) Captured agency: How the FCC is dominated yesteryear the industries it presumably regulates. Harvard University.
Alster, due north (2015) Captured agency: How the FCC is dominated yesteryear the industries it presumably regulates. Harvard University.
International EMF Scientist Appeal (2015)
International Appeal: Scientists telephone phone for protection from non-ionizing electromagnetic champaign exposure. European J Oncology. 20(3/4). 2015.
Kostoff, Lau (2017). Modified wellness effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations combined amongst other agents reported inwards the biomedical literature.
Hertsgaard, M, Dowie, thou (2018). "How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: H5N1 Special Investigation." The Nation, March 29, 2018.