
Mobi-Kids: Childhood Encephalon Tumor Direct A Opportunity & Mobile Telephone Role Study

The Mobi-Kids projection is the largest case-control study to examine the opportunity of a immature mortal developing encephalon cancer inwards relation to his/her exposure to electromagnetic fields as well as wireless radiations from mobile phones.

The study was funded yesteryear the European Commission from March, 2009 to February, 2016. The European Union contributed 58% of the total budget for this €6.1 1000000 project.

Although the European Union projection ended iii years ago, the authors withdraw hold non yet published the results of this study.

Following is the executive summary from the authors' lastly study to the European Commission:

Baca Juga

Final Report Summary: MOBI-KIDS (Risk of encephalon cancer from exposure 
to radiofrequency fields inwards childhood & adolescence)

Executive Summary

"The overall objective of the electrical flow projection was to assess the potential carcinogenic effects of childhood as well as adolescent exposure to radio frequency (RF) as well as extremely depression frequency (ELF) from mobile telephones on tumours of the fundamental nervous system.

In social club to accomplish this, the operational objectives were:

- To deportment a multinational epidemiological case-control study of encephalon tumours diagnosed inwards immature people inwards relation to electro-magnetic fields (EMF) exposure from mobile telephones as well as other sources of RF inwards 8 countries nether the electrical flow grant, and, bailiwick to funds beingness secured separately, inwards a number of non-European countries;

- To prepare as well as validate improved indices of RF as well as extremely depression frequency (ELF) exposure, as well as assess related uncertainties, for all subjects inwards the study;

- To analyse the relation betwixt opportunity of encephalon tumours as well as exposures to RF as well as ELF from mobile phones as well as other relevant as well as of import sources of exposure inwards immature people’s full general environment.

The MOBI-KIDS projection was conducted inwards xiv countries (Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Spain, The Netherlands) betwixt 2010 as well as 2015. It used a case-control study design, recruiting 898 eligible cases aged 10 to 24 years one-time as well as 1 912 controls matched to the cases on reference date, study part as well as age. 

Each player completed a face-to-face interview that included information on socio-demographic factors; consummate residential history; exposure to farm as well as domestic animals; mobile telephone use; piece of work of other wireless communication devices including cordless phones as well as Wi-Fi; exposure to other environmental as well as occupational sources of EMF; occupational history of the bailiwick as well as his/her parents during the peri-conception, pregnancy as well as peri-natal period; occupational exposures to ionising radiations as well as chemicals; medical radiations exposure; medical history of the bailiwick as well as woman raise as well as H2O as well as disinfection by-products exposure (the afterwards alone inwards 6 countries). Interviewers completed a questionnaire regarding responsiveness of the interviewee as well as character of recall. 

Validation studies were conducted, every bit good every bit diverse sub studies, to assess the validity as well as accuracy of the information collected as well as seat as well as characterise possible retrieve as well as selection biases which may deport upon the interpretation of study results. Extensive piece of work went into characterising, modelling as well as validating ELF as well as RF exposure from dissimilar types of mobile as well as cordless phones, dissimilar communication systems as well as other environmental sources of EMF. The mobile as well as cordless phones ELF as well as RF algorithms, to approximate amount of exposure at the place of the tumour, withdraw hold been completed as well as validated. Estimation of occupational as well as environmental exposures to EMF as well as other factors is underway.

Most encephalon tumours were of the neuroepithelial type mainly gliomas. Mean historic menstruum of cases as well as controls at the reference appointment is 16.53 as well as 16.67 respectively amongst 56% of manful mortal participants. There were similar proportions of childhood (10-14) adolescent as well as immature adult cases as well as controls. Tumour localisation was made yesteryear neuro radiologists inwards each province using standardised age-specific 3D grids for over 90% of cases. Validation of neoplasm localisation as well as of diagnosis is underway.

Among regular users of mobile phones, the hateful fourth dimension since start of mobile telephone piece of work was 6.2 years for controls, amongst high differences yesteryear historic menstruum group: 3.2 years for the younger historic menstruum grouping (10-14) as well as 9.2 years for the older historic menstruum grouping (20-24), respectively; inwards the latter group, 37% of controls reported using a telephone for 10 years or more. Average number of calls per calendar month was 43 for cases as well as 49 for controls – amongst 5% of cases as well as 4% of controls making to a greater extent than than 10 calls per solar daytime on average –, as well as average hours per calendar month talking on the mobile telephone were 2.1 as well as 2.6 respectively – 4% of illustration as well as 3% of controls used the telephone for calling to a greater extent than than 1 lx minutes per calendar month on average. In both indicators of mobile telephone use, nosotros observed an increasing tendency inwards number of calls as well as average telephone band fourth dimension amongst age. 

Analyses of the association betwixt mobile telephone piece of work as well as encephalon neoplasm risk, every bit good every bit betwixt estimated RF as well as ELF exposure at the place of the neoplasm as well as opportunity of encephalon neoplasm withdraw hold been conducted as well as a publication is inwards preparation. Results soundless cannot live made world until publication inwards a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
This is yesteryear far the largest epidemiological study on the effects of EMF on encephalon neoplasm opportunity inwards immature people."

Funded yesteryear European Commission FP-7/Environment grant agreement: 226873
Project start date: March 1, 2009
Project terminate date: Feb 29, 2016 (closed project)
Overall budget: € 6 078 765,80 
EU contribution: € 3 499 748

Grant Recipients

Feb 1, 2017

Research on the adverse effects of mobile telephone radiations has focused on the radiofrequency (RF) emissions from prison theater energy cell phones as well as cordless phones as well as has ignored the effects of the extremely depression frequency fields (ELF) produced yesteryear the phones. Yet ELF was labelled "possibly carcinogenic to humans" yesteryear the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer a decade before than RF.

The newspaper below indicates that the MOBI-Kids inquiry squad is studying the effects of exposure to ELF every bit good every bit RF on children's cancer opportunity from mobile as well as cordless telephone use.

ELF exposure from mobile as well as cordless phones 
for the epidemiological MOBI-Kids study

Calderón C, Ichikawa H, Taki M, Wake K, Addison D, Mee T, Maslanyj M, Kromhout H, Lee AK, Sim MR, Wiart J, Cardis E. ELF exposure from mobile as well as cordless phones for the epidemiological MOBI-Kids study. Environ Int. 2017 January 23. pii: S0160-4120(17)30047-8. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2017.01.005. [Epub ahead of print]


This newspaper describes measurements as well as computational modelling carried out inwards the MOBI-Kids case-control study to assess the extremely depression frequency (ELF) exposure of the encephalon from piece of work of mobile as well as cordless phones. Four dissimilar communication systems were investigated: Global System for Mobile (GSM), Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) as well as Wi-Fi Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The magnetic fields produced yesteryear the phones during transmission were measured nether controlled laboratory conditions, as well as an equivalent loop was fitted to the information to create three-dimensional extrapolations of the field. Computational modelling was as well as so used to calculate the induced electrical flow density as well as electrical plain clit inwards the encephalon resulting from exposure to these magnetic fields. Human voxel phantoms of iv dissimilar ages were used: 8, 11, xiv as well as adult. The results squall for that the electrical flow densities induced inwards the encephalon during DECT calls are probable to live an social club of magnitude lower than those generated during GSM calls but over twice that during UMTS calls. The average electrical flow density during Wi-Fi VoIP calls was found to live lower than for UMTS yesteryear 30%, but the variability across the samples investigated was high. Spectral contributions were of import to consider inwards relation to electrical flow density, specially for DECT phones. This study suggests that the spatial distribution of the ELF induced electrical flow densities inwards encephalon tissues is determined yesteryear the physical characteristics of the telephone (in exceptional battery position) spell the aAmplitude is mainly dependent on communication system, thus providing a viable footing for assessing ELF exposure inwards the epidemiological study. The number of phantoms was non large plenty to furnish definitive evidence of an increment of induced electrical flow density amongst age, but the information that are available suggest that, if present, the lawsuit is probable to live rattling small.


May, 2016

According to the European Commission, the EU-funded projection "Risk of encephalon cancer from exposure to radiofrequency fields inwards childhood as well as adolescence" (MOBI-Kids) was "closed" on Feb 29, 2016. The study will brand an of import contribution to assessing the association, if any, betwixt electromagnetic plain exposure due to piece of work of mobile communication devices as well as the evolution of encephalon cancer inwards youth.

The lastly Mobi-Kids Consortium meeting was held Feb 16-17, 2016. The coming together was attended yesteryear investigators from fifteen countries. Preliminary results from the study were discussed.

From December, 2010 through February, 2015, nigh 800 cases as well as 1,600 controls were interviewed for this study.

The projection toll 6 1000000 Euros amongst 3.5 1000000 Euros from the European Commission.

June, 2014

My comments:

This is a hard case-control study to undertake every bit it involves xiv nations as well as nigh lx senior investigators. The original destination was to recruit 2,000 cases. The authors revised the original destination to 1,000 cases because recruitment of cases has been much to a greater extent than hard than anticipated. As of June, 2014, alone 686 cases were recruited, as well as 566 were interviewed. Only half dozen to a greater extent than months stay for player recruitment. Thus, fifty-fifty the reduced recruitment destination may live hard to achieve.

I am concerned that the MOBI-Kids study volition neglect to withdraw hold adequate statistical mightiness to observe the association betwixt EMF exposure as well as encephalon tumor risk. The CEFALO study of encephalon tumor opportunity inwards children was seriously under-powered amongst 352 cases (Aydin et al., 2011; http://bit.ly/1pW4ulA). The iv land CEFALO study found a 36% increased relative opportunity of encephalon tumors amongst whatever mobile telephone use, but this was non statistically meaning due to the pocket-size sample size (OR = 1.36; 95% CI = 0.92 to 2.02) so the authors dismissed this overall finding. (See my supplementary comments below because CEFALO found some statistically meaning evidence for increased encephalon tumor opportunity which the study authors every bit good dismissed.)

Only iv of the 58 authors of the MOBI-Kids study declared conflicts of involvement (see below). The funding sources for this study are listed below. I volition larn out it to others to create upwards one's hear how much of the funding originated from manufacture as well as whether funneling the funds through intermediary organizations or agencies eliminated potential conflicts of interest.


The MOBI-Kids Study Protocol: Challenges inwards Assessing Childhood as well as Adolescent Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Technologies as well as Possible Association amongst Brain Tumor Risk

Sadetzki S, Langer CE, Bruchim R, Kundi M, Merletti F, Vermeulen R, Kromhout H, Lee A-K, Maslanyj M, Sim MR, Taki M, Wiart J, Armstrong B, Milne E, Benke G, Schattner R, Hutter H-P, Woehrer A, Krewski D, Mohipp C, Momoli F, Ritvo P, Spinelli J, Lacour B, Delmas D, Remen T, Radon K, Weinmann T, Klostermann S, Heinrich S, Petridou E, Bouka E, Panagopoulou P, Dikshit R, Nagrani R, Even-Nir H, Chetrit A, Maule M, Migliore E, Filippini G, Miligi L, Mattioli S, Yamaguchi N, Kojimahara N, Ha M, Choi K-H, Mannetje A’, Eng A, Woodward A, Carretero G, Alguacil J, Aragones N, Suare-Varela MM, Goedhart G, Schouten-van Meeteren AAYN, Reedijk AAMJ as well as Cardis E (2014) The MOBI-Kids study protocol: challenges inwards assessing childhood as well as adolescent exposure to electromagnetic fields from wireless telecommunication technologies as well as possible association amongst encephalon tumor risk. Front. Public Health 2:124. Sep 23, 2014. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00124.


The rapid increment inwards mobile telephone piece of work inwards immature people has generated concern nigh possible wellness effects of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) as well as extremely depression frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF). MOBI-Kids, a multinational case-control study, investigates the potential effects of childhood as well as adolescent exposure to EMF from mobile communications technologies on encephalon tumor opportunity inwards xiv countries.

The study, which aims to include but about 1,000 encephalon tumor cases aged 10-24 years as well as ii individually matched controls for each case, follows a mutual protocol as well as builds upon the methodological sense of the INTERPHONE study. The blueprint as well as deportment of a study on EMF exposure as well as encephalon tumor opportunity inwards immature people inwards a large number of countries is complex as well as poses methodological challenges.

This manuscript discusses the blueprint of MOBI-Kids as well as describes the challenges as well as approaches chosen to address them, including:
(1) the alternative of controls operated for suspected appendicitis, to cut potential selection bias related to depression response rates amid population controls;
(2) investigating a immature study population spanning a relatively broad historic menstruum range;
(3) conducting a large, multinational epidemiological study, spell adhering to increasingly stricter ethics requirements;
(4) investigating a rare as well as potentially fatal disease; as well as (5) assessing exposure to EMF from communication technologies.

Our sense inwards thus far developing as well as implementing the study protocol indicates that MOBI-Kids is viable as well as volition generate results that volition contribute to the understanding of potential encephalon tumor risks associated amongst piece of work of mobile phones as well as other wireless communications technologies amid immature people.

Open Access: http://bit.ly/1pVKGyS


The original expected number of cases inwards the target historic menstruum make was of the social club of 2,000. With the implementation of the study, however, it became apparent that the number of eligible cases is, inwards fact, much lower, inwards large business office due to an underestimation of the number of midline tumors inwards the study population and, to a lesser extent, the failure of busy medical staff to notify eligible patients inwards some centers. In most centers, it is hard to know precisely how many cases are ineligible every bit doctors/hospital staff volition mostly non inform study staff of ineligible cases. However, centers amongst access to detailed, reliable registry information or infirmary records withdraw hold excluded from one-third to to a greater extent than than half of cases due to an ineligible (midline) diagnosis. Table 1 indicates the revised expected number of eligible cases per year; the revised expected total number of cases to live included inwards MOBI-Kids is around 1,000, based on each center’s length of fourth dimension inwards the plain as well as other factors such every bit number of participating hospitals as well as accessibility to eligible cases. Fortunately, the MOBI-Kids study soundless has sufficient statistical mightiness despite the reduced number of cases (see Study Power below).

Study Power

As discussed above, despite our best efforts to make the original expected sample size of but about 2,000 cases, the revised projected number of illustration is but nether 1,000. However, preliminary results on mobile telephone piece of work amid controls squall for that 77 as well as 83% of males as well as females, respectively, were defined every bit e'er using a mobile telephone regularly (data non shown). In keeping amongst the INTERPHONE study, subjects who had used a mobile telephone for <1 twelvemonth were considered “never” regular users. Further, but about 14% of all subjects inwards MOBI-Kids withdraw hold used a mobile telephone for 10 years or longer, the threshold for long-term piece of work inwards INTERPHONE. As this was a higher proportion than originally expected, our mightiness calculations were revised based on the updated expected number of subjects as well as updated exposure indicators. Assuming that 971 cases are included inwards matched analyses, the study has 79% mightiness to observe an increased opportunity of 40% [the estimated increment inwards the opportunity of glioma seen inwards the highest decile of telephone piece of work inwards INTERPHONE (10)], assuming 10% withdraw hold used a mobile telephone for 10 years or longer; mightiness increases to 90% assuming 15% are “long-term” mobile telephone users.


In spite of its challenges, the advantages of MOBI-Kids include its large sample size – it volition live the largest study to appointment on this topic inwards immature people – roofing xiv participating countries. Subjects are beingness identified as well as recruited inwards a fourth dimension menstruum inwards which mobile telephone piece of work inwards immature people has larn to a greater extent than prevalent, thus, increasing the statistical mightiness as well as overall representativeness as well as generalizability of the results. In addition, MOBI-Kids includes extensive exposure assessment piece of work as well as validation studies using both historical provider records as well as SMPS to counteract potential retrieve bias. Despite the diverse challenges faced yesteryear the study squad (which withdraw hold implications for other epidemiological studies), our sense thus far inwards developing as well as implementing the study protocol indicates that MOBI-Kids is viable as well as volition generate results contributing to the understanding of potential encephalon tumor risks associated amongst piece of work of mobile phones as well as other wireless communication technologies amid immature people.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Daniel Krewski has conducted contract piece of work for the federal regime of Canada (specifically, the Public Health Agency of Canada as well as Industry Canada) involving systematic review as well as summary of scientific information on potential wellness effects of radiofrequency fields. Malcolm R. Sim – married adult woman had shares of Cell Phone Company. Masao Taki’s subdivision received a grant to back upwards numerical modeling piece of work nether a university–industry partnership. Joe Wiart plant at Whist Laboratory funded yesteryear Orange. None of this funding was used to back upwards the inquiry described inwards this paper. The other authors declare that they withdraw hold no conflict of interest.

Funding: the inquiry leading to these results has received funding from yesteryear the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) nether grant understanding number 22687 3 – the MOBI-Kids project. International coordination of the projection is partly supported yesteryear a grant from the Castilian Ministry of Science as well as Innovation (MICCIN). Australia: Australian participation inwards MOBI-Kids is supported yesteryear the Australian National Health as well as Medical Research Council amongst a five-year inquiry grant (grant number: 546130 as well as Chief Investigators are: Malcolm R. Sim, Bruce Armstrong, Elizabeth Milne, as well as Geza Benke). Austria: Austrian participation inwards MOBI-Kids is partly supported yesteryear a grant from the Ministry of Science. Canada: Canadian participation inwards MOBI-Kids is supported yesteryear a university–industry partnership grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), amongst the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) serving every bit the industrial partner. CWTA provides technical information on wireless telecommunication inwards Canada as well as facilitates access to billing records from Canadian network operators, but has no involvement inwards the design, conduct, analysis, or interpretation of the MOBI-KIDS study. Health Canada has every bit good provided fiscal back upwards to facilitate coordination betwixt Canadian as well as international MOBI-Kids investigators. Daniel Krewski is the Natural Sciences as well as Engineering Research Council of Canada Chair inwards Risk Science at the University of Ottawa. France: this projection received funds from the French National Agency for Sanitary Safety of Food, Environment as well as Labour (ANSES, contract FSRF 2008-3), French National Cancer Institute (INCa), Pfizer Foundation as well as League against cancer. Germany: the High German branch of MOBI-Kids is supported yesteryear the Federal Office for Radiation Protection. Greece: Greek participation is partially supported yesteryear ELKE (Special Account for Research Grants of the National as well as Kapodistrian University of Athens) as well as GGET (General Secretariat for Research as well as Technology). India: MOBI-Kids Republic of Republic of India is supported yesteryear the Board of Research inwards Nuclear Sciences (BRNS). Italy: Ministry of Health RF-2009-1546284. Japan: Japanese participation inwards MOBI-Kids is supported yesteryear the Ministry of Internal Affairs as well as Communications. Korea: MOBI-Kids Korea is financially supported yesteryear the Ministry of Science, ICT as well as Future Planning (MSIP), Korea inwards the ICT R&D Program. New Zealand: MOBI-Kids New Zealand is supported yesteryear grants from Cure Kids New Zealand as well as the New Zealand Health Research Council. Spain: Castilian participation is partially supported yesteryear the Castilian Health Research Fund (FIS PI10/02981), the Andalusian Consejeria de Salud (PI-0317/2010) as well as Conselleria de Sanitat, Generalitat Valenciana nether grant number 025/2010. The Netherlands: Dutch participation inwards MOBI-KIDS is partly supported yesteryear Kingdom of the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research as well as Development (ZonMw) inside the programme Electromagnetic Fields as well as Health Research nether grant number 85800001, as well as yesteryear the ODAS foundation, a private foundation supporting activities inwards the plain of pediatric oncology as well as visual disabilities.


MOBI-Kids Key Facts

Study Design (http://bit.ly/1ycxo9o):

Fourteen participating nations: Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, as well as Spain.

Diagnostic period: May, 2010 through December, 2014.

Participation rates (to date) (http://bit.ly/1CYvnO7):
78-83% of cases as well as 60-69% of controls.

Main characteristics of 566 cases as well as 1074 controls (thru June, 2014) (http://bit.ly/1BXvbfr):
Sex: 55% male, 45% female.

Years of age: 40% 10-14; 35% 15-19;  24% 20-24.

Most of the cases came from half dozen countries: Kingdom of Spain (145), Italy (106), Deutschland (71), State of Israel (65) , French Republic (63), or Hellenic Republic (42).  The 8 other countries withdraw hold so far alone contributed 2 to 23 cases each.


'Cellphones Don't Increase Kids' Cancer Risk' Study Flawed, Experts Say 

Natalie Wolchover, LiveScience, July 28, 2011 


"It's a rattling peculiar newspaper as well as fifty-fifty to a greater extent than peculiar that it's published inwards a magazine sponsored yesteryear the National Cancer Institute," Joel Moskowitz, manager of the Center for Family as well as Community Health at the University of California-Berkeley, told Life's Little Mysteries. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 ruby flag, he said, is that the inquiry was funded inwards business office yesteryear the cellular telephone industry, as well as some of the investigators every bit good make other industry-funded research.

In Moskowitz's opinion, the conclusions drawn yesteryear study leader Martin Röösli, an environmental epidemiologist at the Swiss Tropical as well as Public Health Institute, as well as his colleagues were biased to downplay concerns nigh cellular telephone piece of work amid children as well as adolescents.


In a response sent to the media, Moskowitz pointed out what he considers several flaws inwards Röösli's logic, starting amongst how trivial cellular telephone piece of work (one telephone band per week) counted every bit "regular." This parameter flooded the puddle of genuinely regular cellular telephone users amongst almost-non-users, he said, skewing the results. "Such a loose Definition of regular piece of work would live expected to cut the association betwixt cellular telephone piece of work as well as tumor risk," Moskowitz wrote.  [FAQ: Cellphone Radiation as well as Brain Cancer]

When a subset of the information corresponding alone to heavy cellular telephone users is analyzed, he pointed out, the results larn much to a greater extent than striking. From the journal's newspaper itself: "[There] was a highly meaning association betwixt the fourth dimension since commencement subscription as well as encephalon tumor risk. Children who used cellphones for at to the lowest degree 2.8 years were to a greater extent than than twice every bit probable to withdraw hold a encephalon tumor than those who never regularly used cellphones." The authors went on to state: "As compared to never regular users, those who used cellphones for 4 or to a greater extent than years based on telephone fellowship records were 3.7 to 4.0 times to a greater extent than probable to withdraw hold encephalon tumors, as well as those who made 2,638 or to a greater extent than calls were 2.9 to 4.8 times to a greater extent than probable to withdraw hold encephalon tumors."



MOBI-Kids Original Post (May 10, 2013)

Brain tumors are the 2d most mutual cancer inwards immature people nether xx years of age. The incidence has been increasing recently. (1)

CEFALO, a small, four-country, case-control study of encephalon tumors inwards children, found inwards a subgroup for whom telephone fellowship information were available that encephalon tumor opportunity was related to the number of years the children had a mobile telephone subscription. The study found elevated risks (though non statistically significant) for children who used mobile phones inwards iii of the iv countries (Denmark, Sweden as well as Switzerland), but non inwards Kingdom of Norway or overall. The study had 352 immature people 7-19 years of historic menstruum with brain tumors as well as 646 salubrious immature people. (2)

In a case-control study, persons who withdraw hold developed a affliction are identified as well as their yesteryear exposure to potential etiological factors is compared to persons who make non withdraw hold the disease. (1)

MOBI-KIDS is a large, 16-country, case-control study that volition evaluate the association betwixt mobile phone as well as other communication technology use, other environmental exposures, as well as the opportunity of encephalon tumors inwards immature people. MOBI-KIDS volition include nigh 2.000 immature people 10-24 years of historic menstruum amongst encephalon tumors as well as nigh 4.000 salubrious immature people. Results volition live available inwards 2015/2016. (3)

Just similar the INTERPHONE study which examined encephalon tumors inwards adults, Canada is participating inwards the MOBI-KIDS study, but the United States is not. (4) 

Why has the United States failed to participate inwards these international studies? Why does the United States fund so trivial inquiry on the wellness risks of exposure to electromagnetic radiation?



(1) Frequently Asked Questions | MOBI-KIDS. http://www.mbkds.com/frequently-asked-questions-0

(2)  Aydin D., et al. Mobile telephone piece of work as well as encephalon tumors inwards children as well as adolescents: a multicenter case-control study.J Natl Cancer Inst. 2011 Aug 17;103(16):1264-76. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djr244. Epub 2011 Jul 27. http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/103/16/1264.long

(3) Welcome | MOBI-KIDS: Study on Communication Technology, Environment, as well as Brain Tumours inwards Young People. http://www.mbkds.com/home

(4) Partners | MOBI-KIDS. http://www.mbkds.com/list-of-partners


Revital Bar-Sade Bruchim, Ph.D., 

Fieldwork Coordinator, Mobi-Kids Israel

May 12, 2015

"Another newspaper published yesteryear Prof. Sadetzki as well as Prof. Cardis inwards 2011 entitled: "Indications of possible brain-tumor opportunity inwards mobile-phone studies: should nosotros live concerned?" (Occup Environ Med. 2011 Mar;68(3):169-71), discusses the original issues inwards the interpretation of the findings reported inwards published studies of encephalon tumors inwards relation to mobile-phone use, specially the largest of these, Interphone, as well as their potential public-health implications. 

The authors concluded that spell to a greater extent than studies are needed to confirm or refute these results, indications of an increased opportunity inwards high- as well as long-term users from Interphone as well as other studies are of concern. 

Since to a greater extent than than 4 billion people, including children, using mobile phones fifty-fifty a pocket-size opportunity at the private grade could eventually final result inwards a considerable number of tumors as well as larn an of import public-health issue. 

The authors suggested that until definitive scientific answers are available, uncomplicated as well as low-cost measures, such every bit the piece of work of text messages, hands-free kits and/or the loud-speaker means of the telephone should live used to cut exposure to the encephalon from mobile phones."



Assessment of extremely depression frequency magnetic plain exposure from GSM mobile phones

Calderón C, Addison D, Mee T, Findlay R, Maslanyj M, Conil E, Kromhout H, Lee AK, Sim MR, Taki M, Varsier N, Wiart J, Cardis E. Assessment of extremely depression frequency magnetic plain exposure from GSM mobile phones. Bioelectromagnetics. 2014 Apr;35(3):210-21. doi: 10.1002/bem.21827.


Although radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields emitted yesteryear mobile phones withdraw hold received much attention, relatively trivial is known nigh the extremely depression frequency (ELF) magnetic fields emitted yesteryear phones. This newspaper summarises ELF magnetic flux density measurements on global scheme for mobile communications (GSM) mobile phones, conducted every bit business office of the MOBI-KIDS epidemiological study. The original challenge is to seat a pocket-size number of generic telephone models that tin live used to form the ELF exposure for the dissimilar phones reported inwards the study. Two-dimensional magnetic flux density measurements were performed on 47 GSM mobile phones at a distance of 25 mm. Maximum resultant magnetic flux density values at 217 Hz had a geometric hateful of 221 (+198/-104) nT. Taking into business organisation human relationship harmonic data, measurements suggest that mobile phones could brand a substantial contribution to ELF exposure inwards the full general population. The maximum values as well as easily available variables were poorly correlated. However, iii groups could live defined on the footing of plain pattern indicating that manufacturers as well as shapes of mobile phones may live the of import parameters linked to the spatial characteristics of the magnetic field, as well as the categorization of ELF magnetic plain exposure for GSM phones inwards the MOBI-KIDS study may live achievable on the footing of a pocket-size number of representative phones. Such categorization would final result inwards a twofold exposure slope betwixt high as well as depression exposure based on type of telephone used, although in that place was overlap inwards the grouping.


From the perspective of the original epidemiological study, thus far the information suggest the most favourable grouping to live based on distinguishing bar phones for given manufacturers as well as flip/slide phones. The proposed a priori grouping approach is relatively slow to apply as well as when adopted volition final result inwards a reasonable twofold exposure slope betwixt high as well as depression exposure based on type of telephone used.

Because the ELF signal has a burst-like waveform, harmonic components are every bit good an of import factor. The relative importance of the harmonics tin live considered inwards price of the wellestablished biophysical machinery of electrical stimulation of nervous tissue, which forms the footing for the exposure guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection [ICNIRP, 2010].
The study demonstrates that the phones emit magnetic flux densities at 217 Hz as well as associated harmonics, as well as could contribute substantially to ELF exposure inwards the full general population. It is thus non unreasonable to include a mensurate of this exposure inwards epidemiological studies assessing the potential opportunity of EMF exposure as well as encephalon tumor, specially for immature people, for whom the fourth dimension weighted average exposure, over lifetime, may live greater than inwards adults.

Due to the technological advancements inwards mobile telecommunication during the study menstruum of involvement (2000–2013), it volition every bit good live necessary to assess 2.5–3.5 G phones; Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE), Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) as well as Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) phones every bit good every bit the 2G phones. 

Conflicts of interest: Prof. Masao Taki's subdivision received a grant to back upwards numerical modeling piece of work nether a university-industry partnership. Whist Lab is funded yesteryear French Republic Telecom. None of this funding was used to back upwards the inquiry described inwards this paper.

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