
Info The Anatomical Snuff Box

This modest cavity that appears at the radial side of the manus when nosotros fully extend too abduct our pollex is telephone telephone "anatomical snuff box" or "tabatiere anatomique".

The bony borders of this cavity are:

(bottom surface) the trapezium too scaphoideum
(proximally) the styloid procedure of the radius
(distally) the apex of the musculus tendons triangle

Three tendons define the borders of this cavity, equally seen inward the flick above:

1. Extensor pollicis longus

Origin: dorsal surface of the ulnar & the membrana interossea
Insertion: phalanx I (dorsally at the base of operations of the distal phalanx)
Action: wrist: RAD DIV, EXT - thump: EXT at the metacarpophalangeal too the interphalangeal joints
While abductor pollicis brevis too adductor pollicis, both attached to the extensor pollicis longus tendon, tin extend the thumb's interphalangeal articulation to the neutral position, alone extensor pollicis longus tin hit total hyperextension at the interphalangeal joint
Innervation: n. Radialis (C7-C8)

2. Extensor pollicis brevis

Origin: dorsal surface of the radius & the membrana interossea
Insertion: phalanx I (dorsally at the base of operations of the proximal phalanx)
Action: wrist: RAD DIV - thump: EXT at the carpometacarpal too the metacarpophalangeal joints
Innervation: n. Radialis (C7-C8)

3. Abductor pollicis longus

Origin: dorsal surface of the ulnar & the radius & the membrana interossea
Insertion: base of operations of the metacarpi I
Action: wrist: RAD DIV - thump: ABD at the carpometacarpal joint
Innervation: n. Radialis (C7-C8)

Besides, the radial artery of the forearm passes through this cavity. It runs distally on the anterior role of the forearm. There, it serves equally a landmark for the segmentation betwixt the anterior too posterior compartments of the forearm, amongst the posterior compartment kickoff merely lateral to the artery. The artery winds laterally unopen to the wrist, passing through the anatomical snuff box too betwixt the heads of the initiatory of all dorsal interosseous muscle.

The dorsal (superficial) cutaneous branch of the radial nerve tin last palpated past times stroking along the extensor pollicis longus amongst the dorsal expression of a fingernail.


1. Scaphoideum fracture

In the resultant of a autumn onto an outstretched hand, the articulation betwixt the scaphoideum too the radius is the expanse through which the brunt of the forcefulness volition focus. In example the forcefulness is large plenty the scaphoideum may fracture. There are ii anatomical peculiarities that brand this fracture quite unsafe too hard to treat:

a. The size of the scaphoideum - the scaphoid is a small, oddly shaped os whose purpose is to facilitate mobility rather than confer stability to the wrist joint. In the resultant of inordinate application of forcefulness over the wrist, this modest scaphoid is clearly probable to last the weak link.

b. The vascularization of the scaphoideum - blood enters the scaphoid distally. Consequently, inward the resultant of a fracture the proximal segment of the scaphoid volition last devoid of a vascular supply, too volition - if activeness is non taken - avascularly necrose inside a sufferer's snuffbox.

2. DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis

DeQuervain's tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the fluid-filled sheath (called the synovium) that surrounds the tendons of the muscles mentioned above. Mostly, the extensor pollicis brevis too the abductor pollicis longus are the muscles affected inward that case. The chief argue for this inflammation is overuse syndromes. The chief symptoms are pain, tenderness, too swelling over the pollex side of the wrist, too difficulty gripping. The Finkelstein's test may last positive.

3. Cheiralgia paresthetica

Cheiralgia paresthetica or Wartenberg's syndrome is the compression of the radial nervus along its class inward the forearm. The expanse affected is typically on the dorsum or side of the manus at the base of operations of the thumb, nigh the anatomical snuffbox, but may extend upward the dorsum of the pollex too index finger too across the dorsum of the hand. The nigh mutual crusade is idea to last constriction of the wrist, equally amongst a bracelet or watchband. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, burning or pain. Since the nervus branch is sensory at that spot is no motor impairment.

There mightiness last other injuries that tin crusade symptoms unopen to the percentage too similar osteoarthritis, carpal instabilities, or cervical radiculopathy (C7-8). However, these were the iii chief problems that tin seem too a Physical Therapist should at to the lowest degree last aware of inward gild to successfully assess a patient.

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