Info How To Locate Major Vertebrae During Assessement
Here are about tips for locating major vertebrae piece assessing a patient:
Baca Juga
C1 - No proc. spinosus
C1/C2 - lower edge upper teeth
C4/C5 - prom. laryingeal
C6 - cricoid, moves close ventrally during extension
C7 - vertrebra prominens
T3 - spina scapulae (trigonum scapulae)
T4/T5 - angulus sterni
T7 - angulus inferior scapulae
T9/T10 - trans. corpus/xyphoid proc.
L3 - subcostal plane
L3/L4 - umbilicus
L4/L5 - crista iliaca
L5 - moves ventrally during extension
S2 - SIPS (lumbalisation/sacralisation)
Source: Anatomy_2 lecture notes, Professor of Anatomy & Kinesiology Bert Loozen (PT - MSc), Hogeschool van Amsterdam