
You Plough Refined Saccharide Worsens Blood Lipid Markers Of Cardiovascular Disease

Blood lipids such equally LDL as well as HDL cholesterol are markers of the biological processes that impact cardiovascular disease, as well as they are unremarkably measured to assess cardiovascular risk.  When nosotros intend near the impact of nutrient on blood lipids, dietary fatty typically comes to mind.  Yet a novel study shows that dietary carbohydrate, specifically high-fructose corn syrup, tin possess got a large impact on blood lipid markers of cardiovascular affliction risk.


Dietary fats possess got well-established impacts on blood lipids.  For example, inward short-term feeding trials, saturated fatty tends to increment total cholesterol, increment LDL ("bad") cholesterol, as well as increment HDL ("good") cholesterol, land the omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty linoleic acid decreases total cholesterol as well as decreases LDL cholesterol.  For this reason, dietary advice to trim cardiovascular opportunity tends to focus on dietary fat.

The hypothesis that refined dietary refined saccharify is harmful to the cardiovascular arrangement isn't new.  In 1972, British physiologist as well as nutrition researcher John Yudkin published a classic mass called Pure, White, as well as Deadly, which argued, alongside other things, that refined refined saccharify is harmful to the cardiovascular system.  Yet at the time, the supporting information were weak, as well as the hypothesis was never taken really seriously past times the scientific community.

Peter Havel as well as his grouping at UC Davis possess got begun to breathe novel life into this hypothesis with their rigorous operate on the cardiovascular effects of dietary sugars.

The study

Havel's squad recruited 85 lean to obese volunteers that didn't possess got diabetes, kidney or liver disease, or high blood pressure level (1).  They divided the volunteers into iv groups, each of which received a dissimilar amount of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) potable daily for 2 weeks:
  1. 0 percentage of calorie requirements equally HFCS
  2. 10 percentage of calorie requirements equally HFCS
  3. 17.5 percent of calorie requirements equally HFCS
  4. 25 percent of calorie requirements equally HFCS
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 non-caloric sweetener (aspartame) was added to the 0 as well as 10 percentage beverages then that they had a similar sweetness degree equally the 17.5 as well as 25 percentage beverages.

After the two-week period, Havel's squad measured the volunteers' trunk weight, blood lipids, as well as uric acid degree (a marking of gout opportunity as well as also maybe metabolic health).


After 2 weeks of drinking their assigned beverages daily, trunk weight increased with increasing HFCS dose.  This became non-significant subsequently additional statistical adjustment (adjustment for multiple comparisons, which is rigorous), but the tendency is nonetheless clear.  People inward grouping 4 ended upward gaining 1.8 lbs (0.8 kg), as well as the amount of weight gained was straight proportional to the dose of HFCS. 
Effect of HFCS dose on trunk weight.  Adapted from Stanhope et al., AJCN, 2015.
This is called a "dose-response relationship" because stepwise increases of the HFCS dose led to stepwise increasese of trunk weight.  A dose-response human relationship provides really potent show that an termination is real.  

Havel's grouping also found dose-response relationships betwixt HFCS dose as well as blood lipid levels.  The higher the HFCS dose, the higher the LDL climbed over the two-week period.  While LDL decreased slightly inward grouping 1 receiving no HFCS, it increased past times xviii percentage inward grouping 4.  ApoB concentration, a marking of LDL particle number, increased past times xix percent.

Effect of HFCS dose on fasting LDL cholesterol.  Adapted from Stanhope et al., AJCN, 2015. 
Uric acid levels also increased inward a dose-response fashion with increasing HFCS.


This novel newspaper from Peter Havel's grouping suggests that supplementing the diet with HFCS leads to weight gain as well as detrimental changes inward blood lipids.  The increases inward LDL cholesterol as well as ApoB concentration they observed would endure expected to Pb to a meaning increment inward cardiovascular risk.  The higher the dose of HFCS, the worse the outcomes.

This study is surely interesting, but it requires roughly interpretation.  The commencement matter to banking concern complaint is that calories weren't held constant, as well as volunteers were given calorie-rich beverages to imbibe inward the context of their habitual eating patterns.  Usually inward trials similar this, when y'all inquire people to add together a calorie-rich nutrient to their normal regimen, they don't fully compensate for the excess calories as well as goal upward overeating.  Judging past times the increment inward trunk weight, that appears to possess got happened here.  

Many studies possess got evaluated the impact of refined refined saccharify on trunk weight, metabolism, as well as cardiovascular opportunity markers.  John Sievenpiper, a nutrition researcher at the University of Toronto, as well as his colleagues possess got conducted systematic meta-analyses of the studies on fructose-containing sugars, as well as their results demo that in that place is a large departure betwixt studies inward which calories were held constant as well as those inward which sugar-eating groups increased their calorie intake.  Basically, when calories are held constant, fructose has picayune unique impact on weight, metabolism, or cardiovascular opportunity factors (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).  When refined saccharify intake as well as calorie intake rising inward parallel, refined saccharify increases trunk weight as well as begins to motility harmful metabolic as well as cardiovascular changes.  My interpretation of the show is that refined refined saccharify exacerbates the harmful effects of overeating.  

So the increment inward calorie intake that presumably occurred inward Havel's study is highly relevant to the outcome he observed.  Yet, nosotros require to retrieve that refined refined saccharify tends to promote overeating, then inward existent life, it's really mutual for a high refined saccharify intake as well as overeating to co-exist.  At the same time, when a individual makes a major dietary alter such equally adding a large quantity of sweetened beverages to his diet all of a sudden, in that place is an adaptation catamenia during which he gradually adjusts the residue of his diet to the change.  My suspicion is that the calorie intake of grouping 4 went agency upward at first, but that it would possess got gradually stabilized at a to a greater extent than normal (but perhaps nonetheless a chip equally good high) degree equally they began to compensate for the excess calories.  In other words, I would aspect the long-term effects on weight as well as blood lipids to endure somewhat attenuated relative to what was reported inward this two-week trial.

Elevated uric acid is a marking of impaired metabolic purpose as well as increased gout risk.  The increased uric acid inward the HFCS-consuming groups is non good, as well as in all likelihood reflects a combination of overeating as well as high fructose intake.  

Although Havel's squad used HFCS for this study, the show overall suggests that HFCS is pretty much the same equally sucrose (table sugar).  For me, the termination is relevant to all forms of refined refined saccharify that are near one-half fructose as well as one-half glucose.

In the end, I intend this novel study does heighten serious questions near the wellness impacts of eating refined sugar-- especially for cardiovascular health.  As nosotros collectively recover from our 'sugar mania' phase, inward which every ailment nether the Sun was blamed on sugar, I intend nosotros tin settle into a to a greater extent than nuanced sentiment of refined refined saccharify equally a dietary constituent that interacts with excess calorie intake to adversely deport upon trunk weight, metabolic health, as well as the opportunity of cardiovascular disease.

And equally a reminder, in that place is nonetheless no show whatsoever that refined saccharify from fresh fruit is fattening or harmful to health.  The show currently suggests that fresh fruit, if anything, is slimming as well as promotes practiced health.  This is in all likelihood because fresh fruit doesn't favor overeating, as well as it also delivers an array of other beneficial substances such equally polyphenols as well as fiber.

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