
You Plow Nutrient Vantage Friday

This week's lucky winner... Cheesecake Factory carrot cake!!
 What could possess a somebody to consume in addition to thence much nutrient later on a amount repast You Turn Food Reward Friday

What could endure healthier than carrots?  Eating 1,550 Calories of carrots, white flour, white sugar, butter in addition to cream cheese perhaps?

Baca Juga

What could possess a somebody to consume in addition to thence much nutrient later on a amount meal?  You guessed it... nutrient reward.  The calorie density, sugar, starch, in addition to fat, combined into an easy-to-swallow package, is compelling plenty to possess about people to consume well-nigh a days' worth of calories-- despite having already overeaten at the preceding meal.

To endure fair, about people volition part the dessert or direct maintain business office of it home.  However, fifty-fifty if y'all solely consume half, that's withal 775 Calories.  The fact that an enormous slice of cake is sitting inward forepart of y'all sets an unspoken expectation that you'll consume the whole affair (a "framing effect").  When y'all solely consume half, y'all experience similar you've restrained yourself, when inward an absolute feel you've withal overeaten tremendously.  One solution is to direct maintain the waiter select out a box, in addition to instantly identify 4/5 of the cake into the box-- out of sight.  Another solution is to part 1 serving alongside many people.

My preferred solution is to consume at dwelling rather than at the Cheesecake Factory, in addition to direct maintain an apple tree for dessert.

Photo courtesy of TripAdvisor

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