
Healthy Life - Employee Productivity

Organizational standing, destiny as well as results stand upward on ane truth: EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY.  When organizational members are alligned to the purpose of the firm, involvement is high, as well as skills sets are good, employee productivity is optimal.  It is the labor of managers & management to move productive as well as elicit productivity from their peers as well as reportees.

Several factors larn inward making the entire ready of employees productive - correct from buy dept., admin., production, R & D, quality, sales as well as marketing, all demand to move productive as well as ALLIGNED to the objectives as well as organizational mission for optimal productivity.  There is also a demand for harmonius productivity, if the sales demand is higher than production subdivision productivity, as well as then again, at that spot is disharmony inward productivity.  Optimal productivity is the engine of organizational progress.

There are 2 vital elements that aid generate optimal productivity: TRAINING as well as MIS (Management Information System).

a) Training: has the focus of eliciting as well as reinforcing designed behavioural patterns.  If a MR has to brand 10 MD calls, mere monitoring as well as pressuring him to brand the MD calls as well as deliver the required goods volition only non do!  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 MR has to move taught the necessary cognition & skills, motivated and guided on how to utilization the marketing kit as well as tools (including the communication media viz., visual aid, CDs, tablet PCs, move out behind literatures etc).  Training is an ongoing activity, alongside milestones - no permanent destination points!  With each preparation module or activity a ready of predetermined goals are achieved, as well as then novel goals lead maintain to be charted as well as accordingly preparation schedules, formats as well as media created.

The same concept applies to preparation activities for other departmental functions.  Training needs lead maintain to move mapped out, as well as preparation modules accordingly created - equally per the mapped needs, alongside aid of external instructors equally as well as when required.  For instance, alongside each national Govt. budget announcements of changes to rules regarding income tax, corporate tax, excise duty etc are made, as well as it would move interesting to offering preparation programs to target constituents almost these new happenings, so that preparation creates involvement as well as updated smart employees to execute their labor functions alongside panache.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 worker who gets trained periodically - in soft skills as well as security intructions, or machine operations volition make personal satisfaction, motivation, labor involvement as well as improved on-job functioning.  Training breaks the monotonous hum-drum and reinforces necessary behaviours, rejuvenates, helps inward recollect as well as recaptulation, creates novel behaviours required for effective as well as efficient labor functioning. 

Training engages employees to generate required behaviours as well as sharper skills.  Training also helps inward broadcasting/sharing trainer as well as trainee wisdom, so that novel trainees are encultured, motivated as well as empowered.

The ripple upshot of preparation is helping brand the arrangement smarter.  Such a theatre can handle daily uncertainties as well as challenges better, and also proactively create frontward planning for ameliorate organizational working.

b) MIS (including database): is a powerful scheme that maps employee activities, captures transactions, client information as well as helps render timely reports for productive conclusion making.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 powerful aspect of MIS is the mightiness to auto-generate or generate through manual intervention, FEEDBACKS to employees.  These feedbacks may move objective, informational or motivational.  MIS helps inward mensuration as well as providing feedback. 

For eg., imagine that main sales of a MR is continuously tracked day-to-day by the MIS, and after 15th of each month, if the MIS system auto-generates daily feedbacks on the condition of main sales versus monthly target, either past times sms or e-mail, this volition for certain deed equally a prodding agent for improved management of working of MR.

Eg.: on 16.10.2012, a MR receives a sms: "CONGRATS, YOU HAVE ACHIEVED 65% OF YOUR MONTHLY RUPEE VALUE BUDGET ie. Monthly Sales Target, however, offtake of Product X is only 30%, encounter inwardness doctors of Product X as well as improve prescrition current for Product X, as well as mass to a greater extent than orders for Product X from chemists (POB)". 

Such timely MIS based feedback messages volition brand the MR to a greater extent than productive.  Feedback is a powerful method to heighten productivity.  Absence of feedback volition lull the MR or employee to a comfort zone, which volition kill organizational dynamism.

MIS has an all encompassing sweep.  In R & D sector, MIS reports tin strength out prod R & D thinktank to aid trim down costs of producing a product X, or aid position the key costly ingredients, thus aid render management for value technology scientific discipline - look for option ingredients that aid trim down terms without changing production performance.

Similarly, inventory command systems that generate MIS reports inward a proactive agency volition aid buy inward frontward planning as well as placing orders for vital ingredients ( eg., of ingredients whose inventory is depression to avoid production delays).

Hence, nosotros observe, the 2 vital keys for employee productivity are - TRAINING as well as MIS (the information capturing as well as study generating systems for timely as well as fast feedbacks).

For optimal employee productivity, creation of a positive as well as magnetic organizational climate is necessary but non easy-to-do.  It requires a careful placement of negative as well as positive reinforcers, incentives for desirable results as well as behaviours, as well as subtle disincentives for undesirable demeanour and below par results.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 morale boosting, engaging as well as empowering agency of company systems volition definitely aid boost employee productivity.

Communication systems (horizontal, down-the-line, zig-zag and down-top) are critical for edifice teams, since employees lead maintain to piece of work inward groups to accomplish organizational outputs. 

Another commutation factor is carefully creating the TARGET - ACHIEVEMENT - ELATION - CELEBRATION cycle for all groups so that employees are positively engaged.  Helping each employee accomplish personal success inward company platforms is a real constructive approach for improving employee productivity.

It takes many factors, to boost employee productivity, of which, the 2 vital inputs for employee productivity (at every level) are TRAINING AND MIS.

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