
Healthy Life - Patient-Centric Communication

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The always expanding pharmaceutical manufacture inwards Bharat has seen several phases of activity:
a) MR-centric era: Medical Representatives were appointed who carried the production message, samples in addition to other collaterals (including compliments) to generate business...more MRs = to a greater extent than business!
This went on for about time...then the...doctor - centric era came up...
b) Pharma companies used the MR network in addition to client service executives to acquire beyond messaging.  Doctors were/are pampered amongst freebies, sponsorships in addition to deals to prescribe the target brands.
Now amongst social media going strong, in addition to the Govt. of Bharat looking downwards amongst a frown at electrical current doctor-centric pharmaceutical marketing practices (UCPMP or the Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practice is directly becoming a priority policy for the Govt. of India), a deadening momentum towards an era of patient-centric communication is taking shape.
There are several factors contributing to this trend:
POLITICAL: the key authorities is imposing cost ceilings through NPPA (National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority) in addition to putting curbs on adventurous marketing practices through: UCPMP.  The Union Central Government in addition to soil governments are giving shape in addition to enforcing generic yell prescriptions yesteryear doctors.  January Aushadi or generic drug stores concept is beingness given a fillip yesteryear the governments (state in addition to central).
ECONOMIC: inflation pressure level is on top of hear of policy makers, hence, they are actively working to position a ceiling on pharmaceutical formulations.
SOCIAL: In urban in addition to semi-urban areas, social media, electronic media in addition to meshwork (particularly mobile internet) is providing a link betwixt patients in addition to data on medicines.  Thus, the deadening only sure procedure of empowering patients or patient attention givers on unbranded generics in addition to branded generics is a work-in-process tendency inwards society.
TECHNOLOGICAL: the data revolution is non solely hither to stay, information technology is revolutionizing data dispersal, way of diagnosis, in addition to patient-doctor interactions.  As mobile meshwork penetrates faster in addition to faster in addition to diverse mobile apps acquire invented, it volition position the ability of selection inwards the patient's hands.  In months to come, patients volition compare ready prices real-time of diverse pharmaceutical formulations in addition to ready their purchasing choice, amongst or without consulting their doctor.  For doctors, retaining patients in addition to obtaining word-of-mouth through satisfied patients is critical, hence, they volition sure acquire amongst what is ideal for the patient, rather than pharmaceutical companies.
ENVIRONMENTAL: the herbal ayurvedic tendency is gaining traction amongst every passing day.  The humongous increment of Patanjali is a illustration to study.  With this environmental friendly products volition bring an added attraction amongst patients.
LEGAL: there are legal hurdles of total fledged communication including advertising of prescription solely drugs to patients.  However, in that location are way of communicating through doctors to patients:
Example 1: Assume a medico prescribes Glycomet to a patient (after taking the patient's permission).  The medico enters patient's e-mail id in addition to mobile reveal into the computer.  The calculator automatically updates this data to the pharmaceutical society server. 
The society server through it's software starts sending sms reminder for dosage alerts, in addition to other tips for managing disease, drug side effects etc.
Example 2: On buy of a box or strip of Ramistar, the patient is encouraged yesteryear chemist retailer to give a missed telephone telephone to the company's special reveal for patients.  After this, the telephone telephone pump rings upward the patient, collects basic contact details in addition to so starts diverse messaging systems such every bit dosage warning sms, whatsapp based infographics, educational videos through whatsapp etc.
Example 3: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 telephone telephone pump reveal on the production pack or inwards the advertising poster placed inwards the patient waiting expanse of the hospital - volition encourage the patient to purpose IVRS in addition to gain interesting data on his illness in addition to illness management.
Example 4: The pharmaceutical society organizes inwards co-ordination amongst doctors diverse patient didactics in addition to amusement (with fun games etc) on illness in addition to illness management.  This helps patients deal their illness amend (eg., depression), bond amongst their medico in addition to ready their morale for obtaining amend wellness outcomes.
Example 5: Prescriber enrolls his patient to subscribe a illness administration monthly wellness periodical (print or e-magazine) from the pharmaceutical company.  The patient receives this periodical through courier in addition to learns a good for y'all way of illness management.  For instance LIVE WELL WITH RAMACE tin last the championship of a monthly periodical for the patient.  This periodical tin furnish wellness tips, hypertension in addition to kidney wellness administration articles etc.
Example 6: Patients tin last encouraged yesteryear the production pack or yesteryear the prescriber to follow the ready on facebook or twitter
Example 7: Patient tin register at the production website in addition to obtain informational emails etc.
Example 8: Patient tin register for gratis BMD (Bone Mineral Density) test...with his personal details, in addition to in i lawsuit a prescriber starts his calcium medication, the ready marketer tin engage amongst the patient through email, whatsapp in addition to sms to ensure patient stays on course of instruction amongst the medication.
Why patient-centric communication?
The electrical current surroundings is such that doctors are nether a cloud for alleged over-prescribing in addition to pharmaceutical marketers are every bit good getting negative press for medico oriented services. Patients are every bit good fed amongst a steady dose of such stories inwards the press/social media.  The key in addition to soil governments are every bit good putting pressure level for ensuring sale in addition to consumption of affordable unbranded generics. 

Hence, the way out for pharmaceutical ready marketers is to ready trust in addition to reputation through an integrated communication approach - involving prescribers and patients.  Hence, patient-centric communication strategy is the involve of the hr inwards Indian pharmaceutical communication in addition to marketing practice.

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