
Jake's Deadly Dilemma

My 2 previous posts virtually the plight of the modern healthcare consumer focused on Jane’s exasperating handling determination too John’s wellness insurance ordeal. This post examines a life-threatening scenario whatsoever of us could confront inwards a disaster.

As he regained consciousness later the explosion, Jake industrial plant life himself pinned nether a beam, unable to move; he was trapped inwards his component division building. To brand matters worse, he kept loosing consciousness. Thankfully, 1st responders (fireman, police, too emergency medical units) were arriving outside. Unfortunately, they didn't know where inwards the edifice victims were located, or which stairways, hallways too rooms were prophylactic to enter.

Several 1st responders reached Jake eventually. Sadly, at that topographic point were 2 "men down" from serious injuries during the search.

Jake's rescuers began to evacuate him, only they didn't know his medical history, nor could they produce upward one's heed the trauma centers best suited to process his injuries. There was likewise difficulty maintaining communications betwixt the 1st responders too trauma centre staff since band too Internet services were sporadic. The ambulance driver ended upward taking Jake to a nearby emergency room hoping it had sufficient beds, surgeons too other resources needed to process him.

When they arrived, things were chaotic. Due to widespread devastation, the doctors too nurses inwards the ER were inundated amongst injured patients. When they got approximately to Jake, they had problem delivering the attention he needed due to problems allocating their medical equipment, directing their staff, too keeping rail of their medicines too materials. Since Jake was unconsciousness too didn't stimulate got whatsoever identifying documents, the trauma squad couldn't obtain of import data virtually his allergies too pre-existing medical problems. They couldn't fifty-fifty notify set unit of measurement virtually Jake's condition, nor stimulate got someone amongst ability of attorney brand a life-saving decision.

What's the work here?

Not plenty is existence done to equip 1st responders too trauma centre staff amongst data they ask to evacuate victims safely, carry them to the correct trauma centers, too process them effectively inwards the emergency room too beyond. In disasters, pandemics too terrorist attacks, an data organization is needed that helps relieve lives too belongings through rapid reply past times enabling emergency preparedness too providing assistance for 1st responders too trauma centre staff.

If the 1st responders assisting Jake had been using such a system, at that topographic point may non stimulate got been whatsoever "men down." They would stimulate got known where Jake was located inwards the edifice too would stimulate got followed the safest path to him. That would stimulate got protected the 1st responders too got them to Jake to a greater extent than quickly. It would stimulate got likewise identified the trauma centre best able to attention for his injuries too would stimulate got instructed the ambulance driver to stimulate got him there. It would stimulate got likewise maintained communications betwixt the emergency personnel at the scene of the explosion too the infirmary staff. In addition, it would stimulate got been able to obtain Jake's medical history from whatsoever wellness tape systems using "biometrics" (such every bit fingerprints too retinal scans). And it would stimulate got helped the nurses too doctors deliver the necessary attention amongst minimal disruption too error.

My side past times side posts volition test solutions for empowering too supporting modern consumers when making of import healthcare too insurance decisions, too for helping victims past times assisting 1st responders too emergency room personnel inwards disasters.

Click hither for the side past times side post inwards this series.

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