
Personal Wellness Profiler™: Purpose 1

In these side past times side serial of posts, I’m going to delve into the details of a genuinely next-generation personal wellness tape (PHR); well, it's actually, to a greater extent than similar a personal wellness cognition system. As I discussed inwards my final post, ane telephone commutation component subdivision of a improve healthcare arrangement is a real cost-efficient as well as easy-to-use mode to gain as well as role valid cognition to improve outcomes as well as command costs. This is where I've been focusing much of my professional person life for almost 3 decades. I'm right away going to write virtually a paradigm-busting software technology I've been developing over this period. Some may run into this every bit self-serving, but my deepest promise is to railroad train skillful collaborative relationships as well as assist convey social good. First, roughly background.

Twenty-seven years ago, I began a career every bit a licensed clinical psychologist. That same year, 1981, was too the fourth dimension that the personal reckoner (PC) became available as well as I was intrigued. As I began learning virtually computers, the ability of spreadsheet software caught my attention. I wondered if at that topographic point was a mode to role spreadsheet technology to deal patient information inwards a mode that would:

  • Help clinicians/practitioners of whatever type railroad train improve handling plans, deliver improve care, as well as railroad train professionally through ongoing feedback virtually the progress as well as results (outcomes) of the attention rendered.
  • Help consumers (i.e., patients, clients as well as others utilizing well-care as well as sick-care services) to brand improve decisions as well as create got to a greater extent than responsible actions--when dealing amongst wellness problems as well as other hard life situations--through increased their self-understanding, cognition of options, as well as structured guidance.
  • Help researchers as well as policy-makers develop, validate, as well as disseminate Coping strategies (how ane tends to bargain amongst life problems as well as the benefits ane receives) ; as well as

  • Mind-body interactions?

My bespeak to detect an response resulted inwards a 2 as well as a one-half decade journeying of creative discovery.

Before I acquaint as well as hash out the details of my radical innovation, I’d similar to reiterate my full-disclosure: The software to which I’m referring is the Personal Health Profiler™ (PHPro™) application, which is owned past times my companionship (National Health Data Systems, Inc.) as well as incorporates processes I patented inwards 1998. My intention hither is to gain exposure for my innovation amongst the destination of stimulating dialogue virtually novel directions for personal wellness records, every bit good every bit sparking creative collaboration projects aimed at transforming our electrical flow healthcare system.

Now that the brief background as well as disclosure are out of the way, this ship service volition focus on ane of the many unique abilities of the PHPro: Its comprehensiveness as well as personalized navigation. In other words, the PHPro software handles a much greater depth as well as breadth of wellness information than whatever other PHPro. It presents this useful information--via web-based or desktop (stand-alone) applications--in interactive reports for consumers as well as wellness professionals. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 uncomplicated mouse-click procedure enables an private to “drill-down” from high marker views (showing precisely the information category headings) to increasingly detailed views as well as self-help modules that are tailored to a person’s exceptional needs.

The ikon below (which tin ship away endure expanded past times clicking it) shows the to the lowest degree detailed ("highest" level) sentiment of the PHPro’s Whole-Person Health & Wellness Profile (note that clinical profiles for healthcare as well as wellness professionals are too available). Included inwards a personal wellness profile is information derived from:

  • Data entered manually past times an private via an intelligent "branching logic" procedure that I volition demonstrate inwards a futurity post. Depending on the province of affairs as well as type of profile beingness generated, the information may endure entered the consumer/patient, a caregiver, and/or an authorized wellness professional.
  • Data obtained from external databases, such every bit healthcare provider's electronic medical records (EMRs).
  • Documents as well as other sources, including sick-care (treatment) as well as well-care (preventive & self-maintenance) guidelines, links to pertinent spider web sites, etc.

As y'all tin ship away run into past times the information category headings, the PHPro information are divided into 5 major (“first-level”) categories of information (in red). Within these principal categories are 29 "second-level" categories (in yellow). Also notice that at that topographic point are greyness buttons inwards the right column amongst a down-pointing arrow.
My side past times side ship service focuses on the necessitate for much greater cognition as well as the business office PHPro tin ship away play.

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