
Welcome As Well As Introduction

Hello in addition to welcome to my spider web log -- "." Following is roughly background information almost my companionship in addition to me, which I offering every bit way of introduction.

Professionally, I’m a clinical psychologist, healthcare practitioner, researcher, in addition to software inventor who serves every bit the President/CEO of National Health Data Systems, Inc. (NHDS), a privately held companionship founded inwards 1994.

In 1981, spell a practicing psychologist, I began developing a healthcare information organization to aid me deliver the best possible attention past times meliorate agreement my patients' problems, create upwardly one's heed the best courses of action, evaluate outcomes (the results/consequences of such actions), in addition to continually acquire from experience.

By the mid 1980’s, I had developed the cardinal components of the Psychological Services Index™ (PSI) System in addition to began using it inwards my practice. I presently realized at that topographic point was to a greater extent than I wanted to know. Not solely did I desire a way to acquire almost my patients’/clients’ mental wellness problems, but I also wanted to a way to know almost whatever related physiological (bodily, medical, somatic) factors that were affecting them. To make this, a squad of colleagues in addition to I prepare out to create the rootage information engineering providing a comprehensive, in-depth, “biopsychosocial” stance of patients’ weather condition in addition to treatments. This led to a 15-year journeying of intensive, cross-discipline R&D (research in addition to development). In the belatedly 1990’s, nosotros succeeded inwards developing a universal lifetime computerized patient tape organization amongst advanced determination back upwardly capabilities in addition to a virtual forum supporting interdisciplinary collaboration. We named this software engineering the Health Information Index™ (Hii™) System.

In the early on 1990’s, every bit our province attempted to bargain amongst the healthcare crisis of the 20th century, I realized that the efforts existence proposed — managed attention in addition to capitation — would own got to neglect because these financial strategies didn’t focus on improving attention effectiveness in addition to safety. Neither did these strategies promote continuous lineament improvement through the implementation of evidence-based do guidelines, nor the purpose of information engineering for knowledge-building in addition to determination support. And they were fraught amongst dangers inwards which those who ask healthcare most are the to the lowest degree probable to acquire it due to things similar “cherry-picking,” inwards which insurers recruit the healthiest clients in addition to avoid chronic patients amongst expensive wellness attention needs in addition to when providers focus on offering solely the most profitable healthcare services spell selectively choosing non to render services that involve to a greater extent than risk, to a greater extent than medical attending or time, to a greater extent than expense those services that produce non own got a handsome homecoming on investment; a occupation that continues today. Another serious occupation is that these strategies mash providers past times paying them to process every bit many patients every bit possible for lowest cost, without adequate focus on the lineament of attention delivered. We forthwith come across the results of such failed strategies inwards our electrical flow 21st century healthcare crisis.

In 1993, I attempted to reach our country’s leaders amongst a healthcare reform proposal centered on a “national wellness information system” in addition to creation of an “electronic wellness information network” which, past times the way, is eerily similar our government’s recent telephone phone for a “national wellness information network” (NHIN). The proposal set out a strategic pattern for a organization supporting collaborative teams of practitioners in addition to researchers across the province using advanced information technologies to construct a storehouse of scientific healthcare data. These information would live analyzed, discussed, in addition to transformed into evidence-based do guidelines, which would live disseminated to all providers. The engineering I’d been developing was a pace toward realizing this vision. I received no answer from the government, however. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 twelvemonth later, nosotros founded our companionship in addition to named it National Health Data Systems (NHDS).

At the same time, nosotros had begun introducing the PSI System to the mental healthcare plain inwards an endeavor to recruit a large grouping of healthcare professionals to assort a collaborative practitioner-researcher network. Our mission was to own got this network aid evaluate in addition to evolve the technology, in addition to to purpose it for edifice a large biopsychosocial knowledgebase. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 cardinal strategy of the network was to accept a proactive approach amongst managed attention companies past times obtaining in addition to using a wealth of scientific evidence in addition to determination tools to back upwardly in addition to justify clinical interventions. Unfortunately, the mental healthcare plain was mostly opposed to this approach in addition to our attempts to institute the network failed. We in addition to then shifted our focus away from mental healthcare, per se, to opportunities inwards other healthcare fields, in addition to beyond.

In 1997, I used the cognition gained over the years to write a patent for the CP Split™ technology, which was granted a twelvemonth later. The patent describes a uniquely flexible in addition to efficient procedure for exchanging in addition to presenting information, which is an ideal platform for supporting healthcare decision-making in addition to knowledge-building inwards collaborative environments.

In 1998, nosotros developed the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations’ IMSystem, which evaluates infirmary performance, in addition to NHDS became an approved vendor. That same year, nosotros developed a clinical pathways organization for Merck UK, inwards alliance amongst Great Britain physicians, which helps diagnose in addition to process certainly pump problems, every bit good every bit create upwardly one's heed which interventions are most cost-effective. We afterward developed computerized do guidelines, instance management, in addition to handling planner tools — all of which also focus on lineament improvement. Because of these developments, nosotros were able to integrate the PSI organization amongst biomedical applications, to generate the Hii System, amongst its universal life-time, electronic wellness tape amongst built-in determination support.

Sadly, I came upwardly against slap-up resistance from the American healthcare organization for the past times 2 decades every bit I presented our ideas in addition to technologies. Although supported past times a pocket-size network of healthcare visionaries, nosotros were mostly scorned or exactly ignored past times the healthcare manufacture — non because of pitiable engineering or faulty ideas, but because the American healthcare organization exactly wasn’t create for this type of change. So, spell nosotros continued to educate innovative solutions, nosotros were rendered powerless every bit our healthcare organization continued to deteriorate in addition to our companionship struggled to survive. Why didn’t I surrender long ago? Many said I should … it was a losing battle … the organization would never change!

What kept me motivated during all these years of disappointment in addition to frustration is a personal life mission to produce whatever I tin to aid improve the world’s wellness in addition to well-being past times enabling delivery of affordable, high-quality healthcare to all people inwards all nations. If our province focuses sincerely on the same mission, I believe many of the problems nosotros appear upwardly at abode in addition to abroad would get to repair themselves, in addition to nosotros wouldn’t own got to live ashamed of the footing we’re leaving our children.

Thankfully, a window of opportunity, for which I’ve been waiting a quarter century, has opened inwards the bound of 2005 amongst our government’s inaugural to construct a national wellness information network in addition to other strategies to improve healthcare lineament in addition to command expenditures. We are responding to this chance past times presenting a solution evolving over the past times fifteen years — focusing on a wellness model in addition to lineament through cognition strategy that benefits all healthcare stakeholders — which is aligned amongst our mission to aid improve the world’s wellness in addition to well-being.

I welcome your comments on this blog, in addition to invite you lot to post service whatever suggestions, critiques, in addition to questions.

To your health,
Steve Beller

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