
Who Should Ain A Patient’S Wellness Data, Where Should They Survive Stored, As Well As How Should They Survive Exchanged (Part Ii Of 2)

This post is a follow-up to a prior post at this link. It is a thought-provoking conversation that examines whether the patient information stored inwards the national wellness information network (NHIN) will, inside the adjacent 5 years, probable live on "owned" past times major firms such as Oracle, Google, in addition to Microsoft.
I wrote:
While a patient ought to "own" all their wellness data, it doesn't hateful that such ownership is the same as having actual physical possession of them all. After all, each healthcare provider...has physical possession of the information that they collect. It's UNREASONABLE to facial expression that all those information (including images) live on shipped to the patient for local storage in addition to to inquire the patient to loose those information each fourth dimension a provider needs them. Instead, the information should live on stored where it is collected.
There is ane exception, however: the PHR. All PHR information should e'er live on stored amongst (i.e., physically possessed by) the patient (preferably, imo, inwards an encrypted information file), fifty-fifty if collecting information through the PHR is done via a kiosk inwards a doctor's business office or through a provider's spider web site. Furthermore, all EMR/EHR information (with some possible exceptions, such as a psychotherapist's notes) should live on sent automatically to the patient's PHR; in addition to the PHR should induce got the agency to assist the patient empathize what those clinical information mean.
To bargain amongst the privacy issue, the PHR should possess functionality that enables a patient to seat the item information able to live on shared amongst item types of providers. In addition, patients' PHRs should give them guidance in addition to warnings most who should induce got access to item information based on their roles in addition to responsibilities. In that way, whatever information are stored inwards a provider's database/warehouse could only live on shared amongst tertiary parties when explicitly authorized past times the patient.
Another commenter wrote then:
From a wellness delivery context, in that location are a number of stakeholders in addition to providers who usage patient information in addition to who contribute to it...But to me ownership also agency who decides where the information is to come upwards from, what degree it should bring in addition to the analysis of it etc, all questions related to the skills of the medical practitioner. The theatre unit of measurement physician is the medical practitioner who oversees in addition to looks subsequently the patient's overall wellness in addition to as such has access to all information contained inwards a patient's medical record. It is the role of the GP to brand diagnosis in addition to recommend treatment, prescribe medications, monitor patient health, refer handling to other clinical specialists in addition to give other wellness related advice etc. It seems to me that the possessor of the patient's medical wellness tape is collaboration betwixt the patient in addition to the theatre unit of measurement physician. The patient has the correct to know what is contained inwards that tape but ultimately it is the GP who decides what goes there, in addition to how best to usage it.
...From NHIN or network perspective, in that location is a physical ownership component. An administrative entity is needed to handle where a medical wellness tape resides, how it volition facial expression like, in addition to where it is to live on distributed to. Different parts of the wellness tape volition live on supplied past times dissimilar providers. Standards involve to live on applied in addition to privacy concerns involve to live on satisfied. Time is some other element. Access to accurate medical information inwards a timely mode are the 2 overarching considerations of the NHIN.
I replied:
It sounds similar you're describing the Medical Home model amongst the GP controlling the period of time of patient data. In that scenario, the patient would authorize a "community of referral," i.e., "trusted partner" clinicians to which the GP tin refer in addition to commutation patient data. I concord that the patient involve non specify which information should live on exchanged amongst a item specialist every fourth dimension the GP makes a referral. But the patient should indicate, at to the lowest degree once, which information tin live on shared amongst dissimilar types of clinicians. This tin live on done, for example, past times having the patient approve (or modify) a recommended information laid in addition to allow the GP determine the particulars inside that laid of data.
...I regard the NHIN containing minimal information sets as defined past times criterion CCR/CCDs. This patient information subset includes provider in addition to patient identifying data; contacts in addition to advanced directives; patient's insurance in addition to fiscal data; in addition to patient wellness status, which includes codes for diagnoses, problems, in addition to conditions; allergies; medication prescription information; immunizations; vital signs; recent laboratory results; codes/descriptions for procedures in addition to assessments rendered; history of encounters; in addition to attention computer program recommendations. By contrast, here's a link to what I consider a comprehensive information set, which includes advanced PHR information in addition to addresses the information needs of the multidisciplinary teams comprising a medical home.
Although an NHIN could brand sure of import information available to clinicians at corking distances, the vast bulk of communications are betwixt providers inside local/regional HIEs (and other communities of referral), non betwixt those at corking distances. So, there's no involve for the complexities of a monolithic centralized arrangement for everyday information exchange. It's much simpler, convenient in addition to less costly to usage a node-to-node pub/sub architecture that relies on desktop/standalone apps in addition to encrypted e-mail attachments. Such a mesh node network model (which resembles the telephone system) makes to a greater extent than sense than forcing all transactions through a key server. The NHIN would live on most useful for biosurveillance in addition to for clinical enquiry since it is a centralized information warehouse provides an tardily way to aggregate huge numbers of de-identified records from unopen to the country. The NHIN would also live on a proficient way to shop backups of patients' encrypted information files. And since an NHIN would non comprise comprehensive information sets, connecting pub/sub nodes amongst local information stores to ane some other inwards a decentralized mode is a to a greater extent than efficient in addition to secure way to commutation extensive patient data. This is why I suggest a hybrid cyber-architecture inwards which nodes connected to key information stores, along amongst nodes connected to local information stores, are the primary vehicles of information exchange.
And he in addition to so wrote:
Some of the models that I induce got seen rely on a key backbone for communication in addition to coordination. It follows the SOA pattern in addition to would induce got nodes connecting to a key highway. It seems that connectivity is a large consideration inwards beingness able to collect patient information from a diversity of sources in addition to providing front end goal interfaces for people to access information. Collection mightiness live on to a greater extent than onerous inwards a decentralized model. Implementing a monolithic centralized arrangement sure has its challenges though. For one, in that location is a larger burden to teach a consensus from all of the stakeholders in addition to to determine the most efficient architecture. I suppose in that location are disadvantages in addition to advantages to both centralized in addition to decentralized approaches. For illustration if my abode is inwards New York in addition to I move to San Francisco in addition to teach sick, presumably the infirmary inwards SF would induce got laid access to my wellness tape inwards the centralized NHIN. I am non sure how transparent that would live on inwards the to a greater extent than decentralized or node to node implementation. There would live on connexion issues, knowing who to connect to in addition to login issues etc. But I concord amongst you lot in that location are sure merits to a hybrid (best of both worlds) approach.
To which I replied:
...I think of a key communication backbone as beingness the Internet amongst pub/sub nodes connecting to each other across the key highway past times exchanging encrypted e-mail attachments asynchronously.
The front end goal interfaces I'm proposing are programmable information grid templates used past times the node to hit the information files (via a node's publisher function) in addition to swallow & acquaint the information files (via a node's subscriber functions). The software programs used past times the publishing nodes automatically (a) retrieves information from whatever necessary information shop (local in addition to remote) past times whatever agency required (SQL, XML or CSV parsing, etc.); (b) performs whatever necessary information pre-processing (i.e., information transformations in addition to translations, analytics, etc.); (c) packages the resulting information laid inwards an encrypted information file; in addition to (d) attaches the file to an e-mail, addresses the e-mail, puts it to the outbox, in addition to ships it to the appropriate subscribing node(s). Corresponding information grid templates, residing amongst the subscribing node(s), in addition to so swallow in addition to homecoming the e-mail attachment. All this using local resources in addition to without the complexities of a large centralized system.
[Alternative to having everything stored in a centralized NHIN include]...carrying your encrypted information file (containing a lifetime of wellness information downward to just an emergency information subset) in addition to respective templates on a retentiveness stick or smart card. Another is to induce got a centralized directory of GP e-mail addresses in addition to patient identifiers whereby your GP's address tin live on located.
He in addition to so responded:
GE Healthcare refers to eHealth as the total healthcare information technology infrastructure that connects in addition to adds value to the healthcare delivery arrangement across multiple hospitals or a region, including physicians, attention providers, patients, in addition to others. http://www.hospitalhealthcare.com/default.asp?title=Highfocusonpartnershipsandinnovativetechnologies&page=article.display&article.id=19448
Applying the GE Definition to an overall strategy non subject on whatever ane engineering scientific discipline but encompassing a number of value added solutions, a best of breed approach if you lot will, which could live on applied to the pattern in addition to deployment of an efficient, toll effective in addition to improved healthcare information technology infrastructure , is unopen to what you lot are advocating, I think Steven. H5N1 strategy inwards which a solution is non locked into anyone item vendor, which rules out the Oracle, Google in addition to Microsoft monopolies, but matches vendor strengths in addition to functionality to the chore at hand.
Another commenter in addition to so wrote:
MSFT, Google, in addition to Oracle would non desire to "own" or live on responsible for the safekeeping of the data. I facial expression the NHIN volition goal upwards beingness a decentralized network. No ane volition ain the NHIN. The US Government volition serve an administrative role.
I in addition to so added:
The GE model is unopen to what I'm advocating. I didn't uncovering whatever elevate past times GE for the inclusion of decentralized, asynch, P2P, pub/sub, mesh node networks--which I claim are essential for connecting all parties--but they didn't exclude it either.
I envision all vendors of wellness information technology apps providing APIs that connect to the nodes, i.e., PHR/PHA apps would connect to consumer-facing nodes, EHR/EMR would connect to provider-facing nodes, in addition to CDS (clinical determination support) apps would connect to the aforementioned apps. In addition, APIs for research-related analytic apps would connect those apps to nodes accessing the centralized NHIN information warehouse for which the Feds induce got the administrative role. I think this is consistent amongst the previous comments.
Another commenter in addition to so wrote:
The arrangement volition involve to live on portable, secure, in addition to inexpensive. While I induce got a Canis familiaris inwards this fight, I experience smart cards are the way things will/should plow out. The systems needs to live on architected inwards a mode inwards which the data/information follows the patient - the only way to do that is to teach inwards portable, i.e. a smart carte du jour (like most of the balance of the the world uses). It volition involve to live on secured, using the most modern web-based technolgiiues, such as PKI. The solution, nosotros feel, is smart cards designed for healthcare.
And I replied:
IMO, usage of smart cards in addition to retentiveness sticks are sure portion of the solution, in addition to numerous vendors are inwards this niche. Inclusion of PKI is a proficient idea. The primary issue, I believe, has to do amongst determining the best ways to teach the information stored inwards such portable storage devices (as good as inwards other information stores including DBMSs, XML files in addition to delimited information files) shipped unopen to the province as needed in addition to accessed past times whatever number of various tertiary parts software programs. And that number has to do amongst factors such as available bandwidth in addition to connectivity, security, privacy, convenience, simplicity, and, of course, cost. I debate that the node-to-node model I'm proposing provides the greatest overall benefits inwards those terms.
As such, the smart carte du jour reader would live on connected to a node, inwards the same way PCs, servers, retentiveness cards, smart phones, etc. induce got their node connections. The hybrid mesh node architecture, I farther contend, would live on the most flexible in addition to useful (see this link).
Where I (my company) induce got a vested involvement is inwards having the nodes utilize optimally efficient delimited information files, modular information grids templates, in addition to electronic mail (SMTP) carry to minimize resources consumption, expense, hassle, etc.
A previous commenter in addition to so added:
Many folks including GE, in addition to many of us hither are advocating mechanisms to render an appropriate healthcare information technology infrastructure...I was involved for 3 years on a comprehensive projection at a toll of millions to create an eHealth system...The eHealth architecture was a centralized model. Cost was a major factor inwards this projection in addition to as I was leaving a re-think in addition to re-planning endeavour was beingness carried out to maintain the costs down. It seems that flexibility is ane of the key words. I think it is terribly of import to [be]...thinking exterior the box. 
I in addition to so wrote:
I would desire my de-identified information sent to a regional HIE in addition to the NHIN for enquiry purposes (at to the lowest degree a minimal information set). And I would consider storing a backup of my entire wellness information over my lifetime remotely inwards the NHIN, but ONLY if it was inwards an encrypted information file for which only I had authorized access. Then--in instance I could non access past times local re-create of the file (e.g., if it was destroyed, if I didn't induce got it amongst me on a smart carte du jour or retentiveness stick in addition to my PC was unavailable, or if I was unconscious or otherwise incapciated in addition to the ER docs needed my emergency data)--data sets that I've (previously) authorized could live on extracted from that remotely stored file in addition to sent to appropriate providers. I would desire this to live on done inwards a node-to-node (n2n) network, so that no human would induce got direct access to my information file, in addition to I would also desire to usage biometric indicators as the universal IDs.
Another commenter in addition to so wrote:
All those involved inwards the management of a patient, including the patient (if compus mentus) should live on able to induce got variable access to the patient's data. Ideally the patient should induce got a wellness manager (typified previously past times the "Family General Practitioner) who delegates the relevant access to the necessary information inwards social club to optimize the patients' management...The patient needs to bring responsibleness for his ain wellness attention management in addition to hence should grip all the keys inwards all but emergency situations, in addition to this is where biometrics could live on used to review critical data.
My thought is that piece the patient should induce got the alternative to give the GP authorisation to induce got total in addition to consummate command of one's wellness information without whatever constraints, such global authorisation is non mandatory. If a compus mentus patient refuses to allow sure information to live on accessed and/or shared, fifty-fifty though it puts the patient inwards jeopardy, the patient, amongst ample warning in addition to education, tin soundless forestall that information from beingness used; doing so, however, would loose the providers from liability in addition to may fifty-fifty growth the patient's liability/cost if lack of that information results inwards worsening health.
Another commenter in addition to so wrote:
The NHIN concept volition involve to involve a lot of technologies to teach inwards work, including patient identification, information access, information sharing, as good as information storage. Concepts including cloud computing, smart cards and/or retentiveness sticks, mesh node networks, in addition to many others volition all play into the NHIN inwards ane degree or another.
From an historical information technology perspective, in that location has been a long-standing conflict betwixt the "functionally driven" vs. the "data driven" evolution models. My seat is that a information driven infrastructure is, inwards the long run, to a greater extent than effective, secure, in addition to adaptable. This allows excogitation occurring amidst vendors in addition to regions as good as the changing trends inwards healthcare services, patient needs, in addition to ultimately the lineament of attention to live on facilitated.
In my "user/patient" perspective, I desire to insure that my information from attention received piece inwards the military, as good as the information I received as a minor fry (before I fifty-fifty understood the long-term ramifications involved), is available to my electrical flow primary attention physician in addition to whatever specialists. I also desire to insure that they induce got information that I induce got forgotten or may non realize is pertinent to whatever pending attention I am most to receive.
To back upwards this, I believe a decentralized model tin live on built to a greater extent than affordably. However, attention must live on made to insure that a cumbersome laid of duplicated information is non created. The worst affair that could hap inwards the NHIN pattern would live on allowing multiple versions of information to be for a unmarried patient.
Here are a few of my proposed pattern requirements:
1) Each provider or stakeholder would give-up the ghost along to induce got a information repository that is built for speed to allow "current care" efficiencies in addition to reliability (the various EHR initiatives inwards progress today).
2) Regionally, information warehouses would live on created using a mutual criterion for the information architecture (but remaining agnostic from a vendor dot of stance such that inwards ane seat it may live on a Microsoft solution in addition to inwards some other it could live on Oracle, etc.). These would degree the Regional HIO's in addition to teach the backbone of the HIE. The "primary" information warehouse for each patient should live on located inwards the part where the most frequent access would occur, such as the ane associated amongst their primary attention physician.
3) To consummate the NHIN concept, various applications would in addition to so live on developed that would aggregate the appropriate collections of information from multiple information warehouses for the purpose of satisfying their objectives. I would assume these applications would usually exclude whatever patient-identifiable data. Otherwise, in that location needs to live on a machinery for patient authorisation of access.
4) As patients move exterior of their regions, local clinics in addition to hospitals who involve access to information from the information warehouse would usage applications to force pertinent information specifically associated to the patient for the purpose of providing lineament of attention (this is where a smart carte du jour or some other degree of secured patient access tool would live on needed). Once this link is established, the regional information warehouse would force whatever novel information from that facility's repository.
5) If a patient makes a permanent movement from ane part to another, a laid of applications would also be to movement (not copy) the information warehouse information from ane part to another. When this happens, some degree of an warning could live on provided to the local systems/data repositories to seat their information inwards an "inactive" status, or re-link it amongst the novel warehouse.
All of the other technologies in addition to applications associated amongst the Health information technology Infrastructure would in addition to so live on built in addition to designed based on this model. Some may link to a specific repository associated amongst a unmarried infirmary or provider, relying on the link betwixt it in addition to the regional information warehouse for whatever long-term information; piece others may link direct to the appropriate regional information warehouse.
And some other added:
Can I throw an exception here? We induce got a pregnant number of people inwards the U.S. who are mentally competent legally but who either won't empathize that they induce got command over their healthcare information or how to practise that control, or who just can't live on bothered amongst it. That doesn't hateful they induce got made the determination to relinquish control, however...Any wellness information policies in addition to technical infrastructures involve to bring these folks into account...Poor judgment on the portion of a not-terribly-bright or enfranchised patient could Pb to disastrous medical care.
A commenter in addition to so added this:
I am a theatre believer that the information should follow the patient in addition to that the patient should retain command inwards an only decentralized manner. Centralizing the information inwards whatever way inwards the US is fraught amongst failure. Even inwards England, inwards a ane payer system, they cannot teach it done in addition to that projection is immediately over budget past times billions of pounds.
Security is an only assort plain of written report but the reality is that a username in addition to password...is non going to work. The arrangement volition non piece of job if people do non trust it. So trust in addition to encryption in addition to authentication volition live on paramount.
...In a smart carte du jour system, the identities of the patient (regardless of how many institutions they induce got been treated at) is federated on the card. The carte du jour tin human activity as a much stronger security machinery than anything else beingness proposed (offering both PKI keys, the obvious two-factor authentication model, in addition to a photograph on the carte du jour itself!), tin offering portability in addition to interoperability, is inexpensive, in addition to is both scalable in addition to sustainable.
And I chimed inwards with:
Although we've been having a largely technical intelligence to this point, the terminal 2 comments reverberate the involve for audio governance concerning wellness information at balance in addition to inwards transit. The dot most determining if someone is able, willing in addition to competent to brand decisions most controlling the personal data, in addition to if not, what should live on done, are examples of areas for which policy in addition to physical care for are necessary. Whatever architectural models are used, they must live on flexible plenty to accommodate policies that may induce got yet to live on established.
I'd similar to add together to the proposed pattern the 3 tier architectural requirements proposed, I believe, past times CMS:
(1) RHIO / Regional HIE. (2) State flat HIE. in addition to (3) NHIN.
This goes beyond the local information stores, of course, in addition to as I empathize it, the information to live on managed past times each of these has to do amongst the relevancy of the information for sure purposes. For example, flat 1 would live on focused on information related to the local 'community of referral,' i.e., PCP/GPs exchanging patient information amongst the specialists to whom they refer, as good as information shared betwixt hospitals in addition to exterior clinicians. Level 2 focuses on information required for populace health, as good as for people inwards province facilities (nursing homes, prisons, etc.). And the NHIN would live on focused on information for people inwards federal facilities, as good as nationwide biosurveillance (e.g., for communicative disease) in addition to other things affecting populace safety. I believe there's to a greater extent than to it, but I think this is the full general concept.
The number of what item information sets would live on managed past times each tier, what information tin in addition to cannot live on de-identified, the physical care for for feeding information to each tier, exchanging information betwixt the tiers, in addition to issues related to privacy in addition to security, are governance-related decisions. I'm seeking an architecture that would render the necessary information relevant to the needs of each tier, but inwards a way that eliminates (or at to the lowest degree minimizes) overlap in addition to (a) avoids storing patient-identifiable information inwards centralized databases at whatever of the tiers piece (b) transmitting in addition to presenting the necessary information amongst minimal resources consumption in addition to cost.
A commenter in addition to so wrote:
Biometrics volition obviate the involve to behaviour information storage devises...The large hurdle volition live on getting historical information on file in addition to inwards the format necessary to access it....Education unopen to responsible healthcare in addition to the results of ignorance would live on cheaper for governments than adopting multiple methods in addition to levels of responsibleness taking for patients. Determining a flat of "legal competence" to determine if a patient retains or loses their correct to determine how their information is distributed is a hard chore in addition to requires developing a robust essay which takes into describe concern human relationship beginning in addition to instruction of the private i.e special tests formulated for dissimilar races/nationalities/religions etc
Another ane wrote:
The points most corpus mentus patients: I am a familiar amongst a term called breaking the glass. Patients would usually brand decisions most their healthcare but when incapacitated in that location is a policy inwards seat to allow other clinical caregivers to brand those decisions.
[The]…comments most governance in addition to security are good taken. It would require some degree of legislation to live on passed that would enact policies for information privacy. Nobody wants Big Brother watching. Security is in all likelihood ane of the most overarching concerns affecting the implementation of an NHIN.
From what I am reading, aggregated information which would live on used for historical trending analysis in addition to could live on retained inwards a centralized repo whereas electrical flow information would live on local in addition to accessed only past times the theatre unit of measurement physician in addition to other clinical specialists pertinent to patient care. There are soundless issues of portability where a patient's medical information needs to live on accessed inwards locales other than where he resides. Encrypted retentiveness sticks, node to node access etc. are options.
And this:
From a security in addition to privacy perspective, the smart carte du jour proposition has a lot of merit to it. The readers in addition to updaters would induce got to live on implemented on a national scale to allow the smart carte du jour to live on read in addition to updated anytime anywhere. Possibly something accessible through USB would live on the most appropriate. With every medical see the carte du jour could live on updated amongst that visit. There could live on software running inwards the provider's business office to bring information from business office records for that patient, aggregate it, in addition to reformat etc to fit amongst the electronic wellness tape on the smart card. This approach would live on simpler in addition to is a medium that folks usage in addition to are familiar with. In damage of adding aggregated information to a national repo, providers could download software that would perform the aggregation function. That in all likelihood would live on voluntary but the information would assistance inwards formulating to a greater extent than effective healthcare policy.
...Also nosotros involve an electronic solution for managing drug prescriptions. There would induce got to live on a arrangement for the physician to electronically transmit a prescription to a pharmacy...Again security in addition to privacy concerns are key issues...conformance is also a major challenge inwards getting both clinicians in addition to pharmacists to concord to a criterion information format.
To which a commenter responded:
Your comment below is precisely what our HealthID software solutions does...We aggregate the information *using HL7 or SOAP/REST) from the HIS or EMR, teach inwards useable for rules in addition to workflow in addition to CCR, in addition to and so induce got some really capable encryption software to write those information to the cards in addition to federate the identities amidst trusted orgnaizations.
On some other blog, a similar conversation was taking place. In it, someone wrote:
I think everybody tin concord that patients induce got a correct to regard all their medical information in addition to a correct to determine who tin regard what portions of it in addition to live on notified of all disclosures of their medical records. I also think that HIPAA already mandates this...My hurting dot amongst these novel proposals is...it is way also complicated...Unless, nosotros brand Internet healthcare every bit unproblematic for both doctors in addition to patients, it volition non gain adoption...One of the primary reasons doctors are non jumping on the EHR bandwagon is the inherent complexity in addition to the lack of proven hard ROI to the doctor. I submit that the same volition hap amongst consumers in addition to PHRs.
...The PHRs that are discussed hither in addition to elsewhere require patients to bring command of the data. That agency setting upwards the PHR, coming upwards amongst provider lists in addition to entering them inwards the software amongst proper authorizations for various levels of access. Keeping these authorisation lists current. Managing one's credentials in addition to also theatre unit of measurement members credentials. Making sure that all is upwards to date. Changing authorizations to various providers in addition to attention givers based on changes inwards wellness status in addition to on in addition to on....
To which I replied:
It seems to me that amongst a niggling inventiveness in addition to adequate plain testing, PHRs tin achieve all that's required...via unproblematic P2P pub/sub node networks.
Let's bring the medical abode model, for example. Every PCP (GP) establishes a community of referral, i.e., specialists to whom s/he refers patients as needed. The PCP in addition to specialists would flora connections betwixt their decentralized pub/sub nodes, which would enable them to commutation patient information amongst a few clitoris clicks. The node-based software they usage would automatically populate lists of these network connections. By using the e-mail based arrangement I've been presenting, the lists would involve niggling to a greater extent than than each specialist's name, e-mail address, expanse clinical licensure, in addition to other possible metadata.
Prior to making a referral, the PCP would speak over amongst the patient why the referral is beingness made in addition to explicate why a item specialist is beingness selected, just similar things are currently done. Although no authorisation past times the patient is needed at this point, the patient may asking a dissimilar specialist for whatever reason. The PCP would in addition to so click a clitoris in addition to the referral e-mail is sent.
Once the PCP receives the specialist's referral credence e-mail, the information for a CCR or CCD (or some similar information set) would live on sent inwards an encrypted information file via e-mail to the specialists. But prior to sending it, the PCP's node software would determine which information appropriate for that specialist must live on excluded from the information file based on the patient's privacy wishes. These information sharing authorizations would induce got previously come upwards from the patient's PHR past times having the patient's node ship that information to the PCP's node at an before date. The patient would flora the authorizations by, for example, (a) viewing lists showing the types of information that are appropriate for item types of specialists (and why they are needed) in addition to (b) enabling the patient to modify the listing at whatever fourth dimension (with appropriate warnings when information elements are deselected). The lists could live on organized hierarchically to ease the viewing in addition to alternative process. It would fifty-fifty live on possible (although I don't know if necessary) to induce got the information laid descriptions e-mailed to the patient for approving prior to routing the information file to the specialist.

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