
Jessica Attends The Cannes Cinema Festival

Article: Jessica 'confident elf'

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

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1. [+404, -8] So what type of people are allowed inwards here? Just actually curious.. because Jessica seems a flake out of place. Not an anti, merely curious...

2. [+268, -11] Why is she at the Cannes? ㅋㅋ

3. [+158, -11] Her human face upwardly gets weirder together with weirder

4. [+112, -9] I'd experience together with hence embarrassed posing similar this at an resultant that I bring no argue to hold upwardly at ㅎㅎ

5. [+90, -7] And why is she there??????????

6. [+32, -2] She looks Chinese

7. [+30, -1] I don't mean value I've e'er seen a amount frontal human face upwardly piture of her

8. [+24, -1] ㅋㅋ If y'all recollect her SNSD pre-debut photos... you'll realize this is a human face upwardly that a lot of coin was invested into

9. [+20, -3] She looks similar she's trying to re-create those facial expressions that superstars create but she looks unnatural...


Source: Nate

1. [+415, -16] Come to mean value of it, she has earned agency also much for how petty she has

2. [+354, -33] She's aging later on all.. she looks similar an ajumma ㅜ She should merely larn married, she's starting to await desperate

3. [+295, -14] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ That Hollywood actress pose

4. [+32, -3] Why is she there? Asking because I'm actually curious

5. [+31, -2] What's incorrect amongst her;;

6. [+26, -3] What's she doing at a cinema festival??

7. [+25, -3] So people who bring zilch to create amongst movies tin sack larn on the ruby-red carpet????????

8. [+22, -1] If someone didn't know better, they would mean value she's a nominee for a woman soul atomic number 82 abide by amongst the agency she's posing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+20, -2] Her painting made me larn huk... what an ajumma.... ㅜㅜ she can't escape aging either... Why is she at the Cannes anyway?

10. [+18, -2] This is making me cringe together with hence difficult ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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