Teen Altitude Makes 'Run Away' Comeback Afterward A Long While
Article: TEEN TOP "We'll never interruption upward the band", from youngest grouping to debut at 16.3 years sometime -> directly facing tenth anniversary
2. [+187, -5] It's the pocket-sized fry amongst the thick lips
3. [+119, -3] Did they serve inward the middle? Feels similar there's been a actually long hiatus.
5. [+79, -3] Wow, utter nigh memories... Can't believe their average historic catamenia is notwithstanding alone 26. I actually intend they'll hold their grouping for a long time.
6. [+15, -0] Don't hate, they had non bad songs
7. [+10, -2] TEEN TOP unexpectedly had such non bad songs, I recollect listening to them inward high school. Their songs notwithstanding audio expert today.
8. [+7, -0] I'm liking the novel song, as well as Ricky is notwithstanding equally handsome as well as cute equally always ♥ They're such a talented group, wishing them the best