
Zico Updates Fans Amongst A Selca

Article: Zico updates his whereabouts amongst a elementary no brand upwardly face

Source: Mydaily via Nate

Baca Juga

1. [+1,991, -33] He lucked out, but his picture nonetheless tanked

2. [+1,814, -30] The golden phone

3. [+1,525, -30] Innocent?

4. [+119, -2] I felt this amongst Seolhyun's scandal but he's actually a pro at weaseling himself out of scandals...

5. [+110, -8] His personal SNS employment organization human relationship is e'er existence spammed amongst golden weep upwardly comments as well as thus he started using his agency's employment organization human relationship similar his ain personal ㅋㅋㅋㅋ how lame

6. [+107, -8] He's a fellow member of that Katalk grouping too

7. [+87, -4] And why wasn't he investigated?

8. [+85, -5] This is the guy who's obsessed amongst going to his friend's identify as well as looking at his weep upwardly contacts

9. [+73, -8] All I'm reminded of is Jung Jun Young's golden weep upwardly whenever I encounter him now

10. [+55, -5] He should but remain quiet..


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