
Alzheimer's Help Resources Centers Are A Useful Tool For Alzheimer's Caregivers

The Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers roughly the reason are an of import rootage of information together with assist for Alzheimer's caregivers together with occupation solid unit of measurement caregivers.

I oft have emails from readers hollo for me how to notice someone that is experienced inward the diagnosis of dementia, or searching for assist on other Alzheimer's aid related problems. When this happens, the starting fourth dimension thing I produce is enquire them their location.

Baca Juga

There are most thirty Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers (ADRC) roughly the country. When most people retrieve ADRC they retrieve research.

However, most ADRCs create got doctors inward practice, practicing neurologists, a long listing of resources that tin give the sack produce goodness occupation solid unit of measurement caregivers, together with they tin give the sack assist position dementia aid resources that are available inward your area.

The ADRC is a become to house for all Alzheimer's caregivers. Even if in that place is non i nearby, y'all tin give the sack nonetheless telephone phone together with enquire for their help, guidance, together with assistance.

s Disease Research Centers roughly the reason are an of import rootage of information together with h Alzheimer's Care Resource Centers are a Useful Tool for Alzheimer's Caregivers

How to Get Answers To Your Questions About Alzheimer's together with Dementia

These centers tin give the sack survive real helpful to families, together with I advise if y'all create got a occupation or query y'all contact them. Most of the doctors together with scientists are affiliated amongst other medical institutions inward their state. So fifty-fifty if the ADRC is non unopen by, merely is inward your state, they tin give the sack survive a cracking resources for referrals together with information.

The map together with listing below has the place of the currently available ADRCs.

The National Institute on Aging funds Alzheimer’s Disease Centers (ADCs) at major medical institutions across the Nation . Researchers at these Centers are working to interpret enquiry advances into improved diagnosis together with care for Alzheimer’s illness (AD) patients while, at the same time, focusing on the program’s long-term goal—finding a means to cure together with perchance preclude AD.

For patients together with families affected yesteryear AD, the ADRCs offer:
  • Diagnosis together with medical management (costs may vary—centers may bring Medicare, Medicaid, together with somebody insurance).
  • Information most the disease,  caregiver services, together with caregiving resources.
  • Opportunities for volunteers to participate inward drug trials, back upwards groups, clinical enquiry projects, together with other special programs for volunteers together with their families.
Some ADRCs create got satellite facilities which offering diagnostic together with handling services together with enquiry opportunities inward nether served, rural, together with minority communities.

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ADC Directory


Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Center/Sun Health Research Institute

Eric Reiman, M.D., Director
Arizona Alzheimer's Disease Center
Banner Alzheimer's Institute
901 E. Willeta Street
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Website: www.azalz.org
Information Line: 602-239-6500
Director's e-mail: eric.reiman@bannerhealth.com
Director's Tel: 602-239-6999
Director's Fax: 602-239-6253


Stanford University
Victor W. Henderson, M.D., M.S., Director

Stanford Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

300 Pasteur Drive, MC 5235
Stanford, CA 94305-5235
Website: http://adrc.stanford.edu
Information Line: 650-721-2409
ADC email: adrc@stanford.edu
Director’s email: vhenderson@stanford.edu
Director’s Tel: 650-723-5456
Director’s Fax: 650-723-7434

University of California, Davis
Charles S. DeCarli, M.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Center
University of California, Davis Medical Center
4860 Y Street, Suite 3700
Sacramento, CA 95817-4540
Website: http://alzheimer.ucdavis.edu
Information Line: 916-734-5496
Director's e-mail: charles.decarli@ucdmc.ucdavis.edu
Fax: 916-703-5290

Satellite Center:
UC Davis East Bay
Bruce Reed, PhD, Associate Director
100 North Wiget Lane, Suite 150
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Telephone: 855-420-2612
Associate Director's email: brreed@ucdavis.edu

University of California, Irvine
Frank LaFerla, Ph.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
University of California, Irvine
3212 BS III
Irvine, CA 92697-4545
Website: www.alz.uci.edu
Information Line: 949-824-5847
Director's e-mail: laferla@uci.edu
Director's Tel: 949-824-1232
Director's Fax: 949-824-2447

University of California, Los Angeles
Dale E. Bredesen, M.D.
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
10911 Weyburn Avenue, Ste. 200
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1769
Website: www.EastonAD.ucla.edu
Information Line: 310-794-3665
Director's e-mail: DBredesen@mednet.ucla.edu
Director's Fax: 310-794-3148

Satellite Center:
Memory Disorders Clinical together with Research Program
Olive View-UCLA Medical Center
Director: Sheldon M. Wolf, M.D.
14445 Olive View Drive 2C-136
Sylmar, CA 91342-1495
Center Tel: 818-212-4597
Director’s e-mail: OVMCMemory@ucla.edu

University of California, San Diego
Douglas R. Galasko, M.D., Director

Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

Department of Neurosciences
UCSD School of Medicine
9500 Gilman Drive (0948)
La Jolla, CA 92093-0948
Website: http://adrc.ucsd.edu
Information Line: 858-622-5800
ADC e-mail: adrc@ucsd.edu
Director's e-mail: dgalasko@ucsd.edu
Center Fax: 858-622-1017

Satellite Center:
UC San Diego Hispanic Satellite together with Outreach
Douglas Galasko, M.D., Director
8950 Villa La Jolla Drive, Suite C129
La Jolla, CA 92037
Center Tel: 858-822-4800
Director’s e-mail: dgalasko@ucsd.edu

University of California, San Francisco
Bruce Miller, M.D., Director

Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

University of California, San Francisco
Box 1207
675 Nelson Rising Lane
San Francisco, CA 94143-1207
Website: http://memory.ucsf.edu
Information Line: 415-476-6880
ADC e-mail: adrc@memory.ucsf.edu
Director's e-mail: bmiller@memory.ucsf.edu
Director's Tel: 415-476-5569
Director's Fax: 415-476-4800

University of Southern California
Helena Chui, M.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
University of Southern California
Health Consultation Center
1510 San Pablo Street, HCC643
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Website: http://adrc.usc.edu
Information Line: 323-442-7600
ADC e-mail: gsc@usc.edu
Director's e-mail: chui@usc.edu
Director's Tel: 323-442-7686
Director's Fax: 323-442-7689

Yale University
Stephen Strittmatter, M.D., Ph.D., Director

Yale University Alzheimer’s Disease Center

295 Congress Ave, BCMM 436
New Haven, CT 06536
Website: (TBA)
Center email: ADRC@yale.edu
Information Line: 203-785-4736
Director’s Tel: 203-785-4878
Director’s Fax:203-785-5098
Director’s email: stephen.strittmatter@yale.edu


Mayo Clinic inward Florida

Neill Graff-Radford, M.D., Associate Director
Memory Disorder Clinic
4500 San Pablo Road
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Center Tel: 904-953-6523

* The Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center has 2 branches, i inward Jacksonville, FL together with i inward Rochester, MN.

University of Florida Alzheimer's Disease Center

Todd E. Golde, M.D., Ph.D., Director
University of Florida
Center for Translational Research inward Neurodegenerative Disease
1275 Center Drive
BMS J-497
P. O. Box 100159
Gainesville, FL 32610-0159
Information Line: 352-273-7436 (primary)
352-273-9458 (secondary)
Director's e-mail: tgolde@ufl.edu
Director's Tel: 352-273-9456
Director's Fax: 352-294-5060


Emory University
Allan I. Levey, M.D., Ph.D., Director

Alzheimer's Disease Center

Wesley Woods Health Center, tertiary Floor
1841 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329
Website: www.med.emory.edu/ADC
Information Line: 404-712-6838
ADC e-mail: EmoryADRC@emory.edu
Director's e-mail: alevey@emory.edu
Director's Tel: 404-727-7220
Fax: 404-727-3999


Northwestern University
M.-Marsel Mesulam, M.D., Director
Cognitive Neurology together with Alzheimer's Disease Center
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
675 N St. Claire, Galter 20-100
Chicago, IL 60611
Website: www.brain.northwestern.edu
Information Line: 312-926-1851
Director's e-mail: mmesulam@northwestern.edu
Director's Tel: 312-908-9339
Director's Fax: 312-908-8789

Rush University Medical Center
David A. Bennett, M.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Center
Rush University Medical Center
Armour Academic Center
600 South Paulina Street, Suite 1028
Chicago, IL 60612
Website: www.rush.edu/services/alzheimers-disease-center
Information Line: 312-942-3333
Director's e-mail: dbennett@rush.edu
Center's Fax: 312-563-4605


Indiana University
Andrew Saykin, PsyD., ABCN, Director
Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center
IU Health Neuroscience Center, Suite 4100
Indiana University School of Medicine
355 West 16th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Website: http://iadc.iupui.edu
Information Line: 317-274-1590
ADC e-mail: iadc@iupui.edu
Director's e-mail: asaykin@iupui.edu
Director's Tel: 317-963-7501
Director's Fax: 317-963-7547

Satellite Center:
Healthy Aging Brain Center
Center for Senior Health
Malaz A. Boustani, M.D., Director
Wishard Hospital
1001 W. tenth St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202-2879
Center Tel: 317-630-2564
Director’s email: mboustan@iupui.edu


University of Kansas
Russell H. Swerdlow, M.D., Director
Alzheimer’s Disease Center
University of Kansas School of Medicine
Department of Neurology
2100 West 36th Ave, Suite 110
Kansas City, KS 66160
Website: www.kualzheimer.org
Information Line: 913-588-0555
ADC Email: kuamp@kumc.edu
Director’s Email: rswerdlow@kumc.edu
Director’s Tel: 913-588-8055
Director’s Fax: 913-945-5035


University of Kentucky
Linda Van Eldik, Ph.D., Director
University of Kentucky Alzheimer's Disease Center
Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, Rm. 101
800 South Limestone St.
Lexington, KY 40536-0230
Website: www.centeronaging.uky.edu
Information Line: 859-323-6040
Director’s e-mail: linda.vaneldik@uky.edu
Director’s Tel: 859-257-1412, ext. 271
Fax: 859-323-2866

Satellite Center:
Minority Gateway Clinic
Charles D. Smith, M.D., Director
217 Elm Tree Lane
Lexington, KY 40508
Center Tel: 859-323-5550
Director’s e-mail: csmith@mri.uky.edu


The Johns Hopkins University
Marilyn Albert, Ph.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Division of Neuropathology
The Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions
558 Ross Research Building
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21205-2196
Website: www.alzresearch.org
Information Line: 410-502-5164
Director's e-mail: malbert9@jhmi.edu
Director's Tel: 410-614-3040
Director's Fax: 410-502-2189


Boston University
Neil William Kowall, M.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Center
VA Boston Healthcare System
Neurology Service (127)
150 South Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02130
Website: www.bu.edu/alzresearch
Information Line: 1-888-458-2823 (toll free)
ADC e-mail: bmyoung@bu.edu
Director's e-mail: nkowall@bu.edu
Director's Tel: 857-364-4831
Director's Fax: 857-364-4454

Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Bradley T. Hyman, M.D., Ph.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
114 16th Street, Room 2009
Charlestown, MA 02129
Website: http://madrc.org
Information Line: 617-726-3987
Director's e-mail: b_hyman@helix.mgh.harvard.edu
Director's Tel: 617-726-2299
Director's Fax: 617-724-1480


Mayo Clinic*
Ronald Petersen, M.D., Ph.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
4111 Highway 52 North
Rochester, MN 55901
Website: http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/alzheimers_center
Information Line: 507-284-1324
ADC e-mail: adc@mayo.edu
Director's e-mail: peter8@mayo.edu
Director's Tel: 507-538-0487
Director's Fax: 507-284-6012
Main Fax: 507-538-0878

* The Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center has 2 branches, i inward Rochester, MN together with i inward Jacksonville, FL.


Washington University at St. Louis.
John C. Morris, M.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Neurology
4488 Forest Park Avenue, Suite 130
St. Louis, MO 63108-2293
Website: http://alzheimer.wustl.edu
Information Line: 314-286-2881
Director's e-mail: morrisj@abraxas.wustl.edu
Director's Tel: 314-286-2881
Director's Fax: 314-286-2763

Satellite Centers:
Charles F. together with Joanne Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center African-American Outreach Satellite (AAOS)
David Carr, M.D., Director
Division of Geriatrics together with Nutritional Science
660 S. Euclid, Campus Box 8303
St. Louis, MO 63110
Center Tel: 314-286-2706
Director’s e-mail: dcarr@dom.wustl.edu

Charles F. together with Joanne Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Rural Education together with Outreach Satellite (REOS)
Andrea Denny, JD, MSSW, Director
4488 Forest Park Parkway, Suite 130
S. Louis, MO 63108
Center Tel: 314-362-0433
Director e-mail: dennya@abraxas.wustl.edu

New York

Columbia University
Scott Small, M.D., Director
Columbia University Alzheimer's Disease Center
630 West 168th Street, P&S 15-402
New York, NY 10032
Website: www.alzheimercenter.org
Information Line: 212-305-2077
Director's e-mail: sas68@columbia.edu
Director's Tel: 212-305-3300
Director's Fax: 212-305-5498

Satellite Center:
ADRC Northern Manhattan Community Satellite
Memory Disorders - 1st Floor
Lawrence S. Honig, M.D., Ph.D., Director
1051 Riverside Drive
New York, NY 10032
Center Tel: 212-543-5853
Director’s e-mail: es2749@columbia.edu

Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Mary Sano, Ph.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Department of Psychiatry
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1230
New York, NY 10029-6574
Website: www.mssm.edu/research/centers/alzheimers-disease-research-center
Information Line: 212-241-8329
Director's e-mail: mary.sano@mssm.edu
Director's Tel: 718-741-4228
Fax: 718-562-9120

New York University

Steven H. Ferris, Ph.D., Director
NYU Langone Medical Center
Center of Excellence on Brain Aging
145 due east 32nd St, fifth Floor
New York, NY 10016
Website: www.med.nyu.edu/adc
Information Line: 212-263-8088
Director's e-mail: steven.ferris@med.nyu.edu
Director's Tel: 212-263-5703
Director's Fax: 212-263-6991

Satellite Center:
Alzheimer’s Disease Center Multicultural Program
Karyn Marsh, LCSW, Director
New York University
Langone Medical Center
145 East 32nd Street, Second Floor
New York, NY 11216
Center Tel: 212-263-3201
Director’s e-mail: Karyn.marsh@nyumc.org


Oregon Health together with Science University
Jeffrey Kaye, M.D., Director
Aging together with Alzheimer's Disease Center CR 131
Oregon Health together with Science University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239-3098
Website: www.ohsu.edu/research/alzheimers
Information Line: 503-494-6695
Director's e-mail: kaye@ohsu.edu
Director's Tel: 503-494-6976
Director's Fax: 503-494-7499


University of Pennsylvania
John Q. Trojanowski, M.D., Ph.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Center
Department of Pathology together with Laboratory Medicine
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
HUP, Maloney tertiary Floor
36th together with Spruce Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283
Website: www.uphs.upenn.edu/ADC
Information Line: 215-662-7810
Director's e-mail: trojanow@mail.med.upenn.edu
Director's Tel: 215-662-4708
Director's Fax: 215-349-5909

University of Pittsburgh

Oscar Lopez, M.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Neurology
3501 Forbes Ave, Ste 830
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Website: www.adrc.pitt.edu
Information Line: 412-692-2700
Director's e-mail: lopezol@upmc.edu
Center's Fax: 412-692-2710

Satellite Center:
Alzheimer Outreach Center
Hill House Center
Oscar Lopez, M.D., Director
1835 Center Avenue
Suite 230
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Center Tel: 412-261-0742
Director’s e-mail: lopezol@upmc.edu


University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center
Roger N. Rosenberg, M.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Department of Neurology
University of Texas SW Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75390-9129
Website: www.utsouthwestern.edu/education/medical-school/departments/neurology/programs/alzheimers-disease-center
Information Line: 214-648-9376
Director's e-mail: roger.rosenberg@UTsouthwestern.edu
Director's Tel: 214-648-3239
Fax: 214-648-6824

Satellite Center:
Choctaw Nation Health Care Center
Carey Fuller, Director
One Choctaw Way
Talihina, OK 74571
Center Tel: 918-567-7192
Director’s e-mail: CMFuller@cnhsa.com


University of Washington
Thomas Montine, M.D., Ph.D., Director
Alzheimer's Disease Center
Harborview Medical Center
Department of Pathology
325 ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 981084
Website: http://www.uwadrc.org/
Information Line: 1-800-317-5382
ADC e-mail: adrcweb@u.washington.edu
Director's Telephone: 206-731-4106
Director's e-mail: tmontine@uw.edu
Fax: 206-341-5249


University of Wisconsin
Sanjay Asthana, MD, Director
University of Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Center
2500 Overlook Terrace
Madison, WI 53705
Website: www.wcmp.wisc.edu
Information Line: 1-866-636-7764 or 608-256-1901 x12921
Director's e-mail: sa@medicine.wisc.edu
Director's Tel: 608-262-8597
Director's Fax: 608-263-7645

Satellite Center:
Wisconsin ADRC Minority Recruitment Satellite Program
Dorothy Edwards, Ph.D., Director
J5/1 Mezzanine
600 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53792
Center Tel: 608-263-2582
Director’s e-mail: dfedwards@education.wisc.edu

Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS)
The ADCS conducts clinical trials on promising compounds designed to better cognitive functioning, tedious the charge per unit of measurement of decline, or delay the onrush of Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study

University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive - 0949
La Jolla, CA 92093-0949
Website: www.adcs.org
Information Line: 858-622-5880
E-mail: brainlink@ucsd.edu

National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (NACC)
The Center coordinates information collection together with fosters collaborative enquiry amid ADCs.

Walter Kukull, Ph.D., Director
National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center
4311 11th Avenue NE, #300
Seattle, WA 98105
Website: www.alz.washington.edu
Information Line: 206-543-8637
E-mail: naccmail@u.washington.edu
Fax: 206-616-5927

National Cell Repository for Alzheimer's Disease (NCRAD)
The Repository maintains a database of occupation solid unit of measurement histories together with medical records together with provides genetic researchers amongst prison theatre cellphone lines and/or deoxyribonucleic acid samples.

Tatiana Foroud, Ph.D., Director
Indiana University Medical Center
Department of Medical together with Molecular Genetics
975 West Walnut Street, Room IB-130
Indianapolis IN 46202-5251
Website: www.ncrad.org
Information Line: 1-800-526-2839 (toll free)
E-mail: alzstudy@iupui.edu
Fax: 317-274-2387

More information - http://www.nia.nih.gov/alzheimers/alzheimers-disease-research-centers

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